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Opp leaders react to RSS chief's remarks on Manipur violence

Opp leaders react to RSS chief's remarks on Manipur violence


Opposition leaders reiterated their criticism of Narendra Modi and the BJP government over their handling of the situation and the ongoing unrest in Manipur, where hundreds of people have been killed and injured, in response to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat's recent comments on the issue.

Speaking at an RSS show in Nagpur, the Hindutva leader highlighted the urgent need to resolve the conflict in Manipur, marking his first public remarks after the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

His statement sparked a wave of reactions from different quarters, with everyone speaking out on the causes and solutions to the violence plaguing Manipur.

Leaders of the Congress and other opposition parties backed RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's statement on the ongoing violence in Manipur, criticizing Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the deteriorating situation in the northern state -East. Opposition leaders asked PM Modi to pay attention to Bhagwat's comments on the situation in conflict-torn Manipur, which has been witnessing violence for over a year now, urging the government to consider this as a priority.

Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh said Bhagwat might be able to convince the “former RSS official” and pay a visit to the northeastern state himself. In a post travel to Manipur.

RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav said although Bhagwat delivered the right message on Manipur, he expressed his concerns a little too late. Asked about the RSS chief's comments, Yadav said: “He came too late to speak out. The RJD leader added, “The Prime Minister, on his part, has simply remained silent on every crisis, be it violence in this state or protests by farmers and women activists in Delhi.

Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said, “Mohan Bhagwat is saying this based on his experience. He must have talked about the arrogance that is visible. Mohan Bhagwat’s remarks on Manipur after a year show that the differences between the BJP and the RSS, highlighted by JP Nadda, are now evident.”

I wholeheartedly welcome the statement made by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on the unrest in Manipur. I thank him for being sensitive to this issue and for raising it during one of his organizational meetings. It has been very painful and the Union government has been insensitive on the matter, said NCP (SP) leader and MP-elect Supriya Sule.

Rajya Sabha member Kapil Sibal said it was not in Prime Minister Modi's DNA to listen to the opposition's words, but he should heed the RSS chief's advice. He also warned the NDA government against repeating what happened in the last 10 years of his government. “I've been saying this for months, with statements, an environment of 'us versus them' is being created. We must move the country forward. I welcome Mohan Bhagwat’s statement,” Sibal said.

He added: “When I was in the Rajya Sabha, between 1998 and 2004, there was a Vajpayee government. I heard his speeches many times, he called the opposition “Pratipaksh”, he said you are not our virodhi. Prime Minister Modi has made the opposition 'Virodhi'.

Manipur plunged into violence between the Meitei and Kuki communities in May last year. Since then, more than 200 people have been killed, mostly Kukis, while thousands have been displaced following large-scale arsons that gutted homes and government buildings. New violence has been reported in Jiribam in recent days.




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