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Xi Jinping meets with Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin_Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America

Xi Jinping meets with Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin_Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America


On the afternoon of June 7, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin, who is on an official visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Xi Jinping noted that China and Brazil are good friends with the same vision and good partners who move forward hand in hand. In April last year, he and President Lula da Silva reached an important joint agreement on steering China-Brazil relations toward a new future in a new era. Through joint efforts over the past year, the two countries have further deepened strategic mutual trust, steadily advanced pragmatic cooperation and closely coordinated on the international stage. This not only promoted their respective development, but also effectively safeguarded the common interests of vast developing countries.

Noting that currently the world is facing great changes unprecedented in a century, Xi Jinping stressed that China and Brazil, both large developing countries and emerging market economies, share broad strategic interests. and common, and that relations between the two countries had gone far. beyond the bilateral framework and are of exemplary importance in promoting solidarity and cooperation among developing countries as well as global peace and stability. The two countries should understand the strategic nature of bilateral relations, make relations more mutually beneficial and comprehensive, continue to strengthen strategic coordination, and add new dimensions to China-Brazil friendship in the new era. China is ready to work with Brazil to continue to uphold the pioneering spirit and courage to take unprecedented actions, develop strategic plans for bilateral relations with a more forward-looking vision, clarify the The long-term goal of building a China-Brazil community with a shared future, giving full play to the role of the China-Brazil High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee (COSBAN), consolidating cooperation in traditional fields, expanding cooperation in emerging areas such as the green economy, digital economy and innovation, and seek greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Brazil's development strategies such as the “reindustrialization” plan and the “Routes for South American Integration”. The two sides should use the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as an opportunity to fully strengthen exchanges and cooperation between legislative bodies, political parties, local governments and youth, as well as in areas such as culture, education and tourism, so as to pool more friendly forces and provide stronger support for China-Brazil cooperation. China supports Brazil to play a greater role on the international stage and hosts the G20 Leaders' Summit this year. China is ready to strengthen communication with Brazil and other members of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to further develop China-CELAC relations in the new era.

Geraldo Alckmin conveyed President Lula's cordial greetings to Xi Jinping and said that yesterday he and Vice President Han Zheng successfully co-chaired the seventh COSBAN meeting with positive results. In recent years, hundreds of millions of Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty, which is a miracle in the world, and this experience can provide a good reference for Brazil. The Brazilian government is committed to achieving inclusive and sustainable growth and is ready to strengthen the synergy of development strategies with China. Brazil welcomes more Chinese companies to invest in Brazil and strengthen cooperation in areas such as infrastructure construction, agriculture, mining, new energy vehicles and climate response. Brazil and China are committed to multilateralism and free trade, share the same views on many important issues, and enjoy enormous potential and broad prospects for cooperation. Brazil is willing to take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries as a new starting point and work with China to strengthen bilateral and multilateral strategic coordination, raise bilateral relations to a new level and contribute to the construction of a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.

Wang Yi attended the meeting.




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