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Trump dangles numerous promises for a second term as he seeks support in new spaces

Trump dangles numerous promises for a second term as he seeks support in new spaces



Former President Donald Trump recently dangled very specific promises to his audience.

For example, at a campaign rally in Las Vegas on Sunday, Trump pledged to exempt tips from income taxes, a proposal tailor-made for the hundreds of thousands of people working in America's tourist capital.

Speaking at the Libertarian Convention a few weeks earlier, Trump pledged to place one of the party's members in his Cabinet and more throughout his government if re-elected to the White House, an assurance that briefly put an end to the cacophony of boos he faced there. And before that, Trump told Michigan auto workers he intended to dismantle President Joe Biden's electric vehicle policies, insisting it would protect their livelihoods.

As Trump travels the country seeking new supporters, he leaves behind explicit guarantees for voters to consider. Often, the target audience is a demographic that his campaign has chosen for its potential to influence a race that both sides hope to win on the margins.

Trump's pledge to end taxes on tips came the same day his campaign announced Latinos for Trump, a move aimed at mobilizing one of the nation's fastest-growing voting blocs. In Nevada, one in four workers is employed in the hospitality sector and approximately one in five residents is Hispanic, with considerable overlap between the two groups.

“For hospitality workers and people who receive tips, you will be very happy because when I take office, we will not impose taxes on tips,” Trump said at the rally.

No Republican presidential candidate has won Nevada in two decades, and Latin Americans voted 2-1 for Biden four years ago. But Trump's campaign has prioritized reversing Nevada and the Democratic Party's historic advantage in Latino communities, and polls suggest they have made progress on both fronts.

For Trump, transactional outreach illustrates a candidate whose penchant for dealing in business has informed his approach to politics. And it's a tactic he's also deployed to satisfy his longtime supporters as well. Speaking before the National Rifle Association last month, Trump pledged to fire the nation's top gun regulator and said he would sign a law requiring states to recognize a concealed carry permit from any jurisdiction.

But his arguments were criticized by his political opponents, who accused the former president of pandering to votes or something more untoward. Senate Democrats recently launched an investigation after The Washington Post reported that Trump had promised oil and energy executives at recent fundraisers that he would make it easier for them if he won another round of elections. the White House.

Time and again, Mr. Trump and the U.S. oil and gas industry have proven they are willing to shortchange Americans to line their own pockets, with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse, a Rhode Island Democrat, wrote in a statement.

And in a scathing statement, Local 226 of the Culinary Workers Union, the powerful Nevada union representing the state's hospitality workers, attacked Trump's latest proposal on tipping and taxes as wild campaign promises from a convicted felon.

Although Trump has said he will not impose taxes on tipping when he takes office, any changes would require congressional approval.

The Trump campaign confirmed that the former president intended to seek legislative change.

President Trump will ask Congress to eliminate taxes on tips, spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told CNN. Joe Biden has aggressively stepped up with the IRS to go after tipped workers.

The outreach effort comes after President Trump angered restaurant and hotel workers by changing the rules to allow employers to determine how to distribute tips among employees.

Most politicians promise to win support. Biden's 2020 victory came on promises to cancel student debt, ban the commercial sale of military-style firearms and reverse Trump's travel ban from Muslim countries. (Biden successfully reversed Trump's Muslim travel policy and unilaterally moved to forgive some student loans after the Supreme Court blocked a broader forgiveness program, but he made no progress on ban on assault weapons).

Trump has released a comprehensive website to host many of his proposals for a second term. They include a pledge to fund free online courses for all Americans with billions of dollars seized from private university endowments, plans to charter 10 new Liberty Cities on federal land, and calls to state agencies. police to adopt controversial stop-and-frisk policies or risk losing federal dollars. .

But Trump's habit of latching on to causes when it fits his policy goals has made some whom the former president is now trying to convince skeptical.

Take the example of wind energy. Early in his presidency, the Trump administration pursued an aggressive expansion of offshore wind farms as part of a broader campaign to unleash the forces of economic innovation to more fully develop and explore our ocean economy.

But during a speech in Wildwood, New Jersey, in May, Trump called wind farms horrible and accused wind turbines of killing birds and whales. He said he would make sure this ended on day one if he was re-elected. Those remarks effectively injected the former president directly into a local fight over the future of green energy in the Garden State, just as he said his campaign aimed to turn the Democratic stronghold red.

Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate, called Trump a charlatan fraud moments after the former president spoke at his party's convention last month.

In addition to offering administrative positions to libertarians in his effort to win them over, Trump also promised convention attendees that he would free Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the underground website Silk Road, who is serving a life sentence for having facilitated $200 million in transactions. illegal goods and services, including drugs linked to overdose deaths. In a 2015 press release regarding his conviction, the U.S. Department of Justice said Ulbricht solicited six murders for hire while operating the site.

Ulbricht has become a Libertarian cause celebre, and Free Ross signs were everywhere at last month's convention. Trump's promise to commute Ulbricht's sentence was met with loud cheers.

But Trump also said drug traffickers should face the death penalty, and he refused in his first term to release Ulbricht, a point raised by many libertarians present that evening.

Now, make no mistake, I don't like Joe Biden, but he didn't even think about getting on stage and pretending to be a libertarian because he knows the truth: he's not one, Oliver said. But Donald Trump must hear this message loud and clear.

The room burst into joy.

Yet Trump's efforts with unconventional audiences have forced Biden and Democrats to redouble their efforts with groups once considered the bedrock of the party's support. The president recently launched black voters for Biden-Harris into the battlegrounds, amid increasingly urgent pressure to energize African Americans and prevent Trump's courtship of black men.

While we're busy working to win the support of Black Americans, Donald Trump continues to show how ignorant he is, said Quentin Fulks, Biden's deputy campaign manager. Hosting crazy rap concerts doesn't hide the fact that it lacks the resources and skills to truly engage our community.

The former president's inroads into union hotbeds created headwinds for Biden in Michigan, a state crucial to his chances of winning back the White House.

At a rally in Detroit in September, Trump courted auto workers by insisting that electric vehicles would be made overseas and vowed to thwart the Biden administration's efforts to help American automakers to produce more.

Do me a favor, just ask your union people, your leaders, to support me, Trump told the crowd. And I'll take care of the rest.

The United Auto Workers ultimately endorsed Biden, and its president, Shawn Fain, called Trump yellow. But a Fox News poll from April shows Biden leading Trump among Michigan union households by just 12 points, a significant drop from his lead four years ago.




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