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Allegations of a rigged system by convict Trump and his allies threaten the rule of law | Donald Trump

Allegations of a rigged system by convict Trump and his allies threaten the rule of law |  Donald Trump


Donald Trump poses new threats to prosecutors, judges and the rule of law in the United States by increasing vitriolic attacks on the American justice system, which many Republican allies and far-right media have criticized. echoed loud and clear, former prosecutors and historians said.

Fears are growing that Trump's conspiratorial speeches on his Truth Social site and right-wing media interviews falsely accusing his conviction in the New York hush money case of being rigged and a scam are eroding confidence in the American justice system and could precipitate violence, before – or post-election.

Worryingly, Trump's scathing attacks on the verdict were quickly amplified by many of his Republican allies in Congress, including House Speaker Mike Johnson and Maga's media stars, many of whom recycled the Trump's false claims that the trial was politically motivated. Democrats are imitating Trump in their search for retaliation.

The ex-president's false accusations that he was the victim of a political witch hunt targeted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who brought the charges, Judge Juan Merchan, who presided over the trial, and President Joe Biden.

If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone, Trump warned the day after the verdict.

Trump also raised the possibility of having Biden and his family investigated by a special prosecutor if he wins. In an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity on June 6, he escalated his accusations without evidence. Look, when this election is over, based on what they did, I would have every right to sue them, and it's easy, because it's Joe Biden and you see all the criminality, a- he declared.

Experts see dangers in the Republican Party marching in lockstep with Trump's inflammatory claims.

It's not unusual for convicted politicians to say they were indicted for political reasons, Harvard government professor Steven Levitsky, co-author of How Democracies Die, told the Guardian.

What is different here and very important is that in healthy democracies, most mainstream politicians distance themselves from such attacks. The Republican Party has reached the point where most Republican leaders are echoing Trump's accusations that the justice system is rigged.

Likewise, former Justice Department officials say Trump's searing attacks bode ill.

Trump's denigration of judges, juries and prosecutors is certainly a threat to the rule of law, Ty Cobb, a former Justice Department official and White House counsel during the Trump years, told the Guardian. Trump has certainly taken this to a new and dismal level.

Cobbs' point was underscored when Trump launched a tirade of invective on May 30 just after a 12-member jury reached a unanimous verdict that Trump was guilty of falsifying records to hide $130,000 in hush money to a porn star he allegedly had an affair with to avoid. a campaign scandal in 2016.

Outside the Manhattan courthouse, Trump called the verdict a rigged trial by a corrupt and conflicted judge.

Johnson, during an appearance on Fox & Friends after Trump's conviction, made the unusual suggestion that Supreme Court justices could be helpful in an appeal.

House Speaker Mike Johnson: I think [the supreme court justices are] deeply concerned. Photo: Michael Brochstein/Sopa Images/Rex/Shutterstock

I think the Supreme Court should obviously intervene, Johnson said. I think the judges on the court, I know many of them personally, and I think they are deeply concerned about this, as are we.

Trump, who plans to appeal his conviction and maintains his innocence, called in a furious Truth Social article on June 6 for the Supreme Court to overturn his guilty verdict.

Former Justice Department officials, judges and historians are alarmed by the crescendo of false claims by Trump and his Maga allies denouncing the verdict and the justice system.

The suggestion by Trump and his courtiers that the New York affair is somehow Biden's fault is absurd and would be laughable if it were not so demented and deliberate, Cobb said. The Biden administration was not involved in either the accusation or the presentation of the case and takes no responsibility for it.

Certainly the potential for violence exists, Cobb added. Fools are encouraged. Many Trump loyalists are begging Trump lawyers or other Trump insiders to harass jurors. Violence is a serious possibility.

John Jones, president of Dickinson Collage and former federal judge, said Trump's rhetoric leading to his conviction [on 11 July] and after that will tend to cause unrest and potentially violence.

Trump has taken the old axiom that Republicans are the party of law and order and turned it on its head and appears to be doubling down.

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Similarly, Levitsky observed that half of American politicians call the justice system a sham, and pointed out that this reflected Trump's domination of the Republican Party and its radicalization.

Congressman Jamie Raskin said the Republican reaction to Trump's conviction was a completely sectarian and tribal response to the ordinary operation of the rule of law. They continue to portray the verdict as rigged and fraudulent, but cannot explain any part of the process that was actually wrong. This is simply an attack on the jury system.

This is not going to please the American people. Donald Trump is showing a spectacular lack of respect for the rule of law. He openly teases and embraces political violence. Raskin added that Republicans' overwhelming response to Trump's conviction revealed that they were heading toward the precipice with Donald Trump. Trump's derangement has spread throughout the Republican camp.

Raskins' point is underscored by the volume and nature of the attacks on the verdict and the legal system from Trump's top Republican allies, such as Rep. Jim Jordan, who heads the House Judiciary Committee. Jordan moved quickly to support Trump, announcing that he wanted to hear from Bragg and prosecutor Matthew Colangelo at a June 13 hearing on the unprecedented political prosecution of President Trump.

Not to be outdone, Johnson unveiled at a June 4 press conference a three-pronged approach to attacking Biden's Justice Department. Johnson proposed taking on the Justice Department using congressional oversight, appropriations and legislation.

All of these things will happen vigorously, because we have to, Johnson said.

The Republican Party's embrace of Trump's conspiracy charges was evident when former Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan publicly urged people to respect the verdict, immediately prompting senior Republican National Committee officials to to attack Hogan, a candidate for a seat in the Senate.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland warned last week of an extraordinary increase in threats in the House Judiciary Committee. Photography: Allison Bailey/NurPhoto/Rex/Shutterstock

Significantly, during his congressional testimony before the Jordan Committee on June 4, where he faced fierce political criticism, Attorney General Merrick Garland defended the Justice Department against repeated attacks from the Republican Party and noted that there had been an extraordinary increase in threats against career civil servants.

Trump's furious attacks on the justice system bode bad for the country and for Trump, experts say

In his rage to escape responsibility for his misconduct, Donald Trump is burning the rule of law, former Justice Department prosecutor Paul Rosenzweig told the Guardian. Whatever happens to Trump himself, America will suffer.

Raskin also worries that Trump will authorize violence.

Trump keeps saying it would be a breaking point for his supporters if he were imprisoned or under house arrest. He telegraphs his desire for violence in response to his eventual imprisonment. These are threats against our society.

Some former Justice Department officials predict that Trump's relentless attacks on the justice system will reflect on him as well.

For Trump to continue to denigrate our criminal system and some people within it, now that he has been hit with 34 counts, will not do him any good, said Donald Ayer, deputy attorney general under President George HW Bush. No one can reasonably believe that the jurors were biased or that the trial was unfair or lacking in evidence.

Ayer added: “Normal people who voted for him in the past are starting to understand that Trump is simply a mocker who is simply attacking every rule that is supposed to govern his actions, even though there is no rational basis for doing so. .




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