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PTI changes its mind on talks with govt – Pakistan

PTI changes its mind on talks with govt – Pakistan


Gohar says Imran gave the go-ahead for dialogue, insists it's not a sign of weakness. He says that allies must be boarded, but the group can also fly solo. PTI releases purported audio of Imran SC's appearance.

ISLAMABAD: In an apparent reversal from his earlier assertions that the erstwhile ruling party would only talk to relevant stakeholders and not the toothless ruling coalition, PTI founder Imran Khan on Tuesday ordered senior party officials to reach out to the government for dialogue. to break the political deadlock.

This change of heart came in light of the Supreme Court's remarks during a hearing on the NAB amendments case, during which the bench observed that the PTI should initiate talks with the government and resolve its problems in parliament through dialogue.

Speaking to reporters outside Adiala jail where Imran Khan is lodged, PTI chief Gohar Ali Khan said the former prime minister had given the go-ahead for talks with the government. He said the party would first take its allies into confidence, but could also tackle the issue alone.

It is noteworthy that a delegation of PTI leaders meets the incarcerated leader every Tuesday to seek guidelines for the future after sharing with him the ongoing political developments. The PTI chief claimed that the delegation had requested Imran Khan that the political party begin negotiations as differences grew; to this, Mr Khan agreed and gave the go-ahead for talks.

He said the suggestion made by the apex court was also under consideration, but it was PTI's own decision to initiate a dialogue. Replying to a question, he said Imran Khan had not written any letter to the Supreme Court of Pakistan for negotiations but he might respond to the courts' offer of negotiation.

He made it clear that in the first phase, the PTI would take allies including Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) Mahmood Khan Achakzai into confidence. It is noteworthy that Mr. Achakzai heads the multi-party Constitutional Supremacy Coalition alliance of which PTI is a part.

Mr. Gohar said talks with the government could be initiated through the opposition platform or by the PTI alone, adding that the PTI had come to the conclusion that talks were the only option available to the party .

Replying to a question, Gohar Ali Khan on Tuesday said PTI has never refused to talk to anyone and added that the ice is melting. However, he clarified that the negotiations should not be seen as an agreement or a weakness of the party.

He also asserted that Imran Khan was willing to engage with political parties and ready to forgive whatever happened to him in the best interest of the country.

Indian politics

Meanwhile, reacting to the Sharif brothers' congratulatory messages to Narendra Modi on his election as Prime Minister, the PTI said any unilateral change in Pakistan's policy towards India was disastrous and unacceptable for the nation.

PTI releases Imrans audio

Also on Wednesday, the PTI released what it claims to be an audio clip of party founder Imran Khan's appearance via video link before the Supreme Court during a June 6 hearing on changes to the country's laws against corruption.

It could not be independently verified whether the audio was from the day's proceedings or whether it had been altered.

However, the content of the audio matched what was reported from the proceedings of the June 6 hearing, with Imran Khan's voice speaking about the appointment of the NAB chairman and a third arbitrator.

The audio did not identify the judges speaking, but someone could be heard asking the PTI founder why his party did not oppose the bill in Parliament.

Published in Dawn, June 12, 2024




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