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Remove 'Modi Ka Parivar' suffix from social media: PM Modi to supporters | Lok Sabha Election News

Remove 'Modi Ka Parivar' suffix from social media: PM Modi to supporters |  Lok Sabha Election News


Narendra Modi, Lok Sabha, election, BJP

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (Photo: BJP)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday asked his supporters to remove the suffix Modi Ka Parivar from their social media handles. He said the recent victory of the National Democratic Alliance in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections showed that we are one family and hence the suffix is ​​no longer necessary.

In a post on I gained a lot of strength from it. The people of India have given the NDA a majority for a record third time in a row and given us a mandate to continue working for the betterment of our nation.

In March, following Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Lalu Prasad Yadav's comments that Prime Minister Modi had no family, many Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members and supporters added the suffix Modi Ka Parivar (Modis family) to their social media profiles. Along with BJP supporters, Union ministers including Amit Shah and Piyush Goyal had added the suffix to their social media accounts.

PM Modi, in his message, added: As the message that we are all one family has been effectively conveyed, I would like to once again thank the people of India and request you to now remove Modi Ka Parivar from your properties on the social networks. The display name may change, but our bond as a Parivar fighting for India's progress remains strong and unbroken.

What did Lalu Yadav say about PM Modis' family?

In March this year, former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav told a rally in Patna that Prime Minister Modi had no family.

The Rashtriya Janata Dal leader had said: This Narendra Modi is attacking the parivarvad these days. First of all, you need to explain why you don't have children or family. For people who have more children, he (PM Modi) says it is dynasty politics. You have no family… You are not even Hindu. Every Hindu tonsures his head to mourn the death of his mother. Answer why you haven't had your hair and beard waxed.

Reacting to Lalu Yadav's statement, PM Modi said opposition leaders were getting nervous over my questions. Opposition leaders, deeply absorbed in corruption, nepotism and appeasement, are becoming nervous. When I asked their parivarvad, they started saying that Modi has no family, the Prime Minister said.

He added: My life is an open book, 140 million people in the country constitute my family. Today, millions of daughters, mothers and sisters across the country make up the Modis family. Every poor person in the country is my family. Those who have no one also belong to Modi and Modi belongs to them.

First publication: June 12, 2024 | 10:32 a.m. EAST




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