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China accused of creating 'dangerous situation' after harassing Dutch warship with fighter jet

China accused of creating 'dangerous situation' after harassing Dutch warship with fighter jet


The Netherlands attacked China after two of Xi Jinping's warplanes “repeatedly” flew over Dutch navy ships, leading to a “potentially dangerous situation” in the East China Sea.

Chinese air force planes had flown over a Dutch frigate, the HNLMS Tromp, and one of its helicopters while they were on patrol.

The Chinese plane had left the area, but then returned alongside its own helicopter to harangue the Dutch helicopter in international airspace, according to the Dutch Defense Ministry.

The ministry said Tromp was conducting patrols in support of U.N. sanctions against North Korea when the confrontation took place.

HNLMS Tromp/Xi Jinping

Chinese air force planes flew over a Dutch frigate, the HNLMS Tromp, and one of its helicopters.

Reuters/Ministry of Defense

But after Dutch authorities issued a public statement about the incident, Chinese authorities reacted with fury.

A statement from the Chinese Defense Ministry said: “We strongly deplore the heinous nature of the Dutch side's words and deeds and have lodged solemn representations with them. »

Zhang Xiaogang, a spokesperson for the ministry, said the Dutch side was “falsely claiming to be carrying out a UN mission and deploying its forces in the maritime and airspace under the jurisdiction of another country, creating tensions and undermining the friendly relations between the two countries. “.

Zhang added that China wanted to warn the Dutch that “the Chinese side will resolutely oppose violations and provocations.”


Chinese helicopter/Chinese jet plane

The Dutch Ministry of Defense published photos of the Chinese plane online

X/Ministry of Defense

The Dutch frigate has since left the area to travel to Japan and Hawaii for naval exercises in the Pacific alongside Western and regional allies as part of the “Valiant Shield 2024” exercise.

US Navy Admiral Stephen T Koehler called VS24 “a unique opportunity to operate and engage with our allies and partners and demonstrate our shared commitment to global security and stability.”

Koehler, who commands the U.S. Pacific Fleet, added: “It takes all of us to maintain a safe, stable and secure Indo-Pacific as we adapt our joint and combined capabilities to advance multi-domain operations. »

And the Netherlands' complaint against China is part of a growing list of reservations raised by Western ships and planes in the region.

In May, China was accused of setting off flares in the path of an Australian helicopter – which was also helping to enforce UN sanctions against North Korea – over international waters of the Yellow Sea.

And the Canadian boats also filed complaints against China for carrying out “dangerous” maneuvers – which China ignored as necessary in order to defend itself against the unspecified “malicious and provocative act with ulterior motives” of the Canada.

The US State Department praised its country's efforts to “preserve peace, defend the freedom of the seas in accordance with international law, maintain the free flow of lawful commerce, and support the peaceful resolution of disputes.”

But Chinese military sources have long accused the United States of “creating division and provoking confrontation” in the region.




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