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Presenter Imran Riaz handed over to police in fraud case – Pakistan

Presenter Imran Riaz handed over to police in fraud case – Pakistan


A district court in Lahore on Wednesday remanded anchor Imran Riaz, arrested last night, to police custody for a day in a fraud case.

Riaz was arrested at the Allama Iqbal International Airport on Tuesday evening when he was leaving for Saudi Arabia for Haj. Footage of the arrest, which showed the journalist wearing an ihram, went viral on social media.

He was later produced before Judicial Magistrate Muhammad Kamran Zafar by the Nishtar town police. According to the first information report (FIR), a copy of which is available on, Riaz has been charged with criminal breach of trust. He invoked section 406 (Punishments for criminal breach of trust) of the Pakistan Penal Code.

During today's hearing, police sought remand of Riaz for seven days. The prosecutor said the anchor borrowed 0.25 billion rupees from the complainant, but never returned the money.

Meanwhile, Riaz's lawyer Mian Ashfaq alleged that the accusations against his client were false. The complainant was an agent of Maryam Nawaz polling station, he claimed.

After hearing arguments from both sides, the judge reserved his verdict. Later, he granted the police one-day remand of Riaz.

Petitions filed at the LHC

Earlier today, Riaz's lawyer Azhar Siddique filed a petition in the Lahore High Court (LHC) seeking details of the first information report (FIR) under which the anchor was arrested .

The petition, a copy of which is available on, stated that Riaz was to leave for Saudi Arabia for Haj from Lahore when many plainclothes officers from various authorities came to arrest him without providing details and took him taken to an undisclosed location. location.

No information has been revealed regarding the FIR used to apprehend the applicant on the eve of 11.06.2024. It is therefore necessary today that the respondents should be summoned by this court and they should inform this court about the FIRs. were registered, of course in a frivolous manner, against the applicant, which is why he was arrested illegally and arbitrarily, it is said.

He added that Riaz's name was removed from the exit control list on June 11.

The plea sought that the petition be accepted and the police, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Home Secretary and the Anti-Corruption Establishment be directed to place on record the details of the FIR under from which the presenter was arrested.

Separately, Riaz's brother filed another petition with the LHC demanding that the presenter be immediately released from his illegal and improper detention and produced in court. His hearing was scheduled before Judge Amjad Rafique.

The plea, seen by, named Inspector General Punjab, Capital Police Officer Lahore, Superintendent of Police Cantt, Director FIA and Director Cyber ​​Crime Wing as defendants in the case.

He said Riaz had been unlawfully and unlawfully prevented from traveling abroad and was being kept in unlawful and unlawful detention.

PTI condemns arrest, demands immediate release

Meanwhile, the PTI termed Riaz's arrest as absolutely condemnable and demanded his release.

[It] This once again represents the complete destruction of Pakistan's moral values ​​over the past two years, the party said in an article on X. Have common sense, your actions only harm Pakistan, it said added.

Is going to Haj now considered a crime in Pakistan? asked the Imran Khan-led party in another message.

PTI leader Sher Afzal Marwat said he was at a loss for words and strongly condemned the arrest.

Arrest and rearrest

Imran Riaz, a YouTuber and TV presenter, was arrested two days after violent protests erupted across the country following the arrest of PTI president Imran Khan on May 9.

It is known that he was last taken to Cantt police station after his arrest and then to Sialkot jail. On May 15, a judicial officer had told the Lahore High Court that the presenter had been released from prison after giving a written undertaking. However, his whereabouts are unknown.

Subsequently, a first information report (FIR) into the alleged kidnapping of Riaz was registered with the Sialkot Civil Police on May 16 on the complaint of the anchor's father Muhammad Riaz.

The FIR was registered against unidentified persons and police officials for allegedly kidnapping Riaz, invoking Section 365 (kidnapping or kidnapping with intent to secretly and wrongfully confine a person) of the Pakistan Penal Code.

The journalist's father had also filed a plea with the LHC for his recovery.

During a hearing on the case on May 19, the presenter's father had tears in his eyes in the LHC, begging for mercy, as his son's whereabouts were unknown. The next day, the LHC chief justice had ordered the police to recover and produce the anchor by May 22.

On that date, the LHC had ordered the Home and Defense ministries to fulfill their constitutional obligations to carry out the recovery of the presenter after the Inspector General of Punjab revealed that there was no no trace of the journalist in any police department in the country.

The LHC was later informed that Inter-Services and Military Intelligence had stated that the presenter was not in their custody. On May 26, the High Court had ordered all agencies to work together to find the anchor and present him in court by May 30.

When that date came, the IG of Punjab had told the LHC that phone numbers dating back to Afghanistan were involved in the case.

The anchor's lawyer had claimed during the June 6 hearing that his patience was running out, even as the Punjab government had informed the High Court that efforts were on to trace the journalist.

During the July 5 hearing, the LHC set July 25 as the deadline for police to find the missing journalist. However, no hearing could take place on the fixed date due to the unavailability of the benches.

During this particular hearing, retired Brigadier Falak Naz, representing the Ministry of Defense, had informed the court: We are working on location of the scene and other issues. We are trying to get Imran Riaz back as soon as possible.

On September 6, the Punjab IG had told the LHC that the police would give him good news in the coming days, after which he was given time till September 13.

However, failing to bring major good news, the IG assured the court on September 13 that the investigation was going in the right direction.

On September 20, the LHC had given the Punjab police chief one last chance to recover Riaz before September 26, adjourning the proceedings in a petition demanding his recovery by then.

He was finally released on September 25, after more than four months of disappearance.

Earlier this year, Riaz was arrested in a corruption case relating to the Dhrabi Lake contract in Chakwal and was later released on bail by a special court. However, the anchor was arrested again in another case relating to violence outside PTI founder Imran Khan's residence in Zaman Park.

On March 10, an anti-terrorism court had granted him bail after his arrest against sureties worth Rs 200,000.




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