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Trump and Biden campaigns target donations with rival fundraisers in London

Trump and Biden campaigns target donations with rival fundraisers in London


The US election campaign rolled out in London on Wednesday night, with an Australian pop star and the editor-in-chief of Vogue holding rival fundraising events to raise thousands of dollars in donations.

Holly Valance, the former Neighbors actress who topped the pop charts in the early 2000s, is set to host a pro-Donald Trump event in west London at which ticket prices start at $10,000 ($7,800 dollars), a guest told the BBC.

The editor-in-chief of Vogues, Anna Wintour, would organize a fundraiser to support Joe Biden's campaign. Tickets would cost $1,000 each.

Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents will be able to make donations.

Donald Trump's son Donald Jr is among the guests at the Republican fundraiser, and Trump ally Nigel Farage, leader of Britain's Reform Party, has been seen arriving.

He gave a warm smile and said good evening to the journalists who were waiting for him upon his arrival.

Greg Swenson, president of Republicans Overseas, said he too would be attending and confirmed that tickets cost between $10,000 and $100,000. It's $10,000 for a ticket, but for dinner it's $50,000 per couple.

Mr Swenson acknowledged it was an “expensive” event but insisted Republicans were the “people's party” and pointed to entry fees for rival Democratic events.

The most expensive tickets to one of Mr Biden's events in New York in March cost half a million dollars each.

Mr Swenson said he would be “surprised” if Trump Sr did not make a virtual appearance on Wednesday, having appeared at other events where the ex-president “spoke”.

The London location is close to the Chelsea Embankment in an exclusive area. At the door, a man in a suit and umbrella greeted guests dropped off in front of polished black doors on Wednesday.

The property's website describes the premises as an entertainment and relaxation hub, including a wine cellar, swimming pool, spa and IMAX cinema.

However, not everyone at the site felt sympathy for Trump: a woman with an American accent shouted Vote Biden from a nearby building.

Trump has lagged behind his rival in his fundraising efforts during the race so far, but his recent conviction in a secret trial in New York has prompted donations of tens of millions of dollars, according to his campaign team.

The party was “killing it with small donations,” Mr. Swenson said, after Americans were “shocked by the justice system.”

Valance, 41, is perhaps best known to millions in Britain and Australia for her 2002 song Kiss Kiss and its racy music video that took the pop world by storm.

She has been linked to Mr Farage and Trump since she was pictured alongside the two politicians in 2022, alongside her entrepreneur husband Nick Candy.

There was no immediate response to a BBC request for comment sent to the Candy Foundation, the couple's charity.

Few details were available about the Democratic rival event, which was to be hosted by Anna Wintour according to a Financial Times report. The BBC has contacted the Biden campaign for comment.

The timing of the rival events in London was purely coincidental, insisted Sharon Manitta, Democrats Abroad's global press secretary.

Ms. Manitta said her organization — which operates separately from the Biden campaign — had organized another event, a comedy night in Greenwich, for which tickets sold for a more modest $60.

“We think we need a bit of comedy now in this madness,” she told the BBC.




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