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The government is seriously fighting “online gambling”, more than 2.1 million sites have been closed

The government is seriously fighting “online gambling”, more than 2.1 million sites have been closed


JAKARTA, – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said it closed 2.1 million sites judi online. This demonstrates the seriousness of the government in eradicating and combating these illegal activities.

“The government also continues to eradicate and seriously combat gambling. onlineand there are currently more than 2.1 million gambling sites online it was closed,” Jokowi said in his statement broadcast on YouTube of the Presidential Secretariat, Wednesday (12/6/2024).

Furthermore, the Head of State declared that the task force responsible for eradicating games of chance online Soon it will be finished. Through the existence of this task force, he hopes to accelerate the eradication of these illegal activities.

Moreover, the problem of the game online is a transnational, cross-border, cross-border and cross-border issue.

“We hope to be able to accelerate (the eradication) of games of chance online. Once again, the game online “It is transnational, cross-border, cross-border and trans-authorized in nature,” Jokowi said.

Also read: Online gaming is endemic, Jokowi: a task force will soon be set up to eradicate it

On the other hand, Jokowi said, one of the most important defenses is against the play. online is the defense of society and the defense of each individual.

That's why the former mayor of Solo asked religious and community leaders to remember that.

“I urge all religious leaders, community leaders and the wider community to remember this, to monitor each other and also to report if there are signs of gambling. online,” he said.

For information, a gambling affair online which is increasingly anchored in certain circles of society, leading to harmful consequences.

Most recently, a policewoman burned her husband because he was addicted to gambling online. The incident occurred at the Mojokerto Police Dormitory Complex, East Java (Jatim), on June 8, 2024.

The policewoman with the initials Bripda FN had the heart to burn her own husband after she discovered that her husband's bank account containing his 13th salary worth IDR 2,800,000 had been reduced to IDR 800,000 because he was used for playing.

However, it is known that this case is still under investigation by the East Java Regional Police.

Also read: Exposing the dangers of the impact of online gaming, Jokowi: lost property, divorced husband and wife and deaths

Based on data from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), from July 17, 2023 to May 21, 2024, 1,904,246 gambling contents were recorded. online Successfully deleted (disassemble), as well as 5,364 accounts and 555 electronic wallets affiliated with gambling online It was submitted to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia (BI) for blocking.

The Ministry of Communication and Information also continues to coordinate with various digital platforms such as Google and Meta, having recorded 20,241 keyword changes on Google and 2,637 new keywords on Meta.

Apart from this, the Ministry of Communication and Information noted that there were 14,823 insert contents indicating gambling. online on the sites of educational establishments as well as 17,001 similar contents inserted on government sites

Furthermore, Coordinating Minister (Menko) of Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Polhukam) Hadi Tjahjanto declared that the presidential regulation (perpres) concerning the Task Force (Satgas) Judi online will be released this week.

The former TNI commander also revealed that the government already has a plan to eradicate gambling crimes. online in the Fatherland.

“We already have a plan, in coordination with law enforcement, to be able to resolve these issues and later we will report to the public on what we have done,” Hadi said after the Group's national working meeting working on sword extortion in Central Jakarta. region, Wednesday.

Also read: Online gaming is endemic, Jokowi asks religious and community figures to remind them

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