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Soon announced by Jokowi, here is a list of incentives for the pioneering ASN at the IKN

Soon announced by Jokowi, here is a list of incentives for the pioneering ASN at the IKN


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Ministry of Strengthening the State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) is still unable to reveal the details of the incentives that will be granted to the first State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to settle in the Capital of the Archipelago (IKN) in September 2024.

PANRB Ministry Secretary Rini Widyantini said this was because the government was still working on the best program to provide incentives to the first ASNs who joined the IKN. He emphasized that details of the incentives would be announced at the next cabinet meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

“At that time the minister said that this would be discussed in a cabinet meeting, so we are still waiting for the schedule of the cabinet meeting,” said Rini, met after the working meeting (Raker) with Commission II DPR RI in Senayan, Jakarta. , cited Thursday (13/6/2024).

Even though there are no details on the incentives of the pioneers, Rini stressed that the government will guarantee the well-being of the pioneer ASN in IKN, therefore she assured that discussions would have taken place with many ministers , including Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati. Because, he stressed, the transfer from ASN to IKN is not a form of sanction.

“Basically, the point is that moving to IKN is not a punishment or anything, but it is indeed a place where we can integrate ourselves in providing services to the community,” Rini emphasized.

“We must pay attention to the well-being of employees, that is why we will propose it to the Minister of Finance, this must be discussed, this cannot be determined by the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform himself,” he said. he declared.

Besides the incentives, Rini also cannot specify the number of ASNs that will be pioneers in the transition to IKN next September. Because, according to him, the exact number must be truly adjusted to the number of residential and office infrastructures built.

“Yes, yesterday, as the minister said, because in August it will still be used for August 17, there will probably be a transfer around the beginning of September. This is why the transfer is waiting for the infrastructure , right, that’s why we will calculate again the amount of available infrastructure,” Rini said.

As a reminder, pioneer allocations are only granted to ASNs that are the first to move to IKN. This is a form of appreciation for the ASN staff, given that in the early stages of the IKN move there was not yet such comprehensive infrastructural support and basic needs than in Jakarta.

Here are the details of the incentives:

1. An apartment

Earlier, PAN-RB Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas disclosed that every ASN who moves to IKN will get an apartment to live in. This apartment is part of one of the facilities that will be acquired by ASN which will move to IKN.

“Each ASN employee will receive 1 residential apartment. The principle is that then initially some will be shared, this is part of the additional policy that we will explain later,” said Anas, from the Ministry Office of Communication and Information. , Central Jakarta, Wednesday (17/4/2024).

2. ART costs for children are covered

Anas also said that three costs would be borne by the government, including packaging costs, waiting costs and transportation costs. Anas also detailed the components that benefit from mortgage rights during the moving process.

“What is it? Packing fees, waiting fees, transportation fees. This is related to the allowances for the pioneers who will move to IKN,” said Anas, during the 13th press conference THR and salaries 2024, at the Ministry of Finance office, Central Jakarta. , Friday (3/15/2024).

“The components are first of all who will be supported for the transfer, an ASN, the ASN’s spouse, two children, as well as a domestic helper (ART),” he continued.

3. Child support

Anas also said that pioneer ASNs who migrate to IKN will receive a family allowance. This is in line with President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) mandate to ease the burden on ASNs who bring their families to IKN, and the cost of living in IKN is much higher than in DKI Jakarta.

“We are looking for options. Indeed, the president asked yesterday to try to formulate allowances for children who move first, it is for this family,” Anas said during a press conference at the office of the Ministry of PAN-RB, South Jakarta, Friday. (12/22/2023).

“He (Jokowi) gave an example, for example, like at Bank Indonesia, there are allocations. We are currently formulating family allowances, but the most important thing is that a good school does not have to be expensive,” he continued.

4. Deduction for expenses

Apart from this, the Ministry of PANRB and the Ministry of Finance have also prepared other incentives for these ASNs. One of them is the cost index incentive, because in IKN it is expected that the price of basic necessities will be more expensive than in DKI Jakarta.

“We were asked to formulate incentives to move to IKN. The President asked us to formulate incentives for the woman's children and those who go to school. But there will definitely be incentives, incentives to move , high costs, etc. But there will definitely be incentives,” said Anas, when meeting at the Aston Hotel TB Simatupang, South Jakarta, Wednesday (11/22/2023).

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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Announcement! Here is the news regarding incentives for 3,246 ASNs who joined IKN





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