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PM Modi to attend G7 summit in Italy; Here are the top global issues on the agenda

PM Modi to attend G7 summit in Italy;  Here are the top global issues on the agenda


Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the 50th G7 Summit in Italy from June 13-15, 2024. Invited by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Modi will participate as a country outreach, focusing on important global issues impacting both on the South and on the world. in general.

Key focus areas

During the summit, Modi will address several critical topics:

  • Africa, climate change and development: The summit will open with discussions on these vital issues, reflecting their importance to both the Global South and India's development agenda.
  • Conflict in the Middle East and Ukraine: Ongoing conflicts in these regions are expected to dominate discussions as leaders seek ways to resolve these complex geopolitical challenges.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is a key topic, highlighting India's growing focus on its applications and potential.
  • Global Challenges: Modi will engage with other leaders on pressing international issues, demonstrating India's commitment to global cooperation and problem-solving.

Bilateral meetings with the Italian Prime Minister

Modi will hold bilateral talks with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, marking their second meeting after Meloni's visit to India in March 2023. Foreign Minister Vinay Mohan Kwatra said: “They last met during the COP28 summit in Abu Dhabi in December 2023. » The discussions will review bilateral relations and define directions for future collaboration.

Participation in awareness sessions

On June 14, Modi will participate in the awareness session, focusing on AI, energy, Africa and the Mediterranean. Foreign Minister Kwatra said: “At this summit, the focus will be on artificial intelligence (AI), energy, Africa and the Mediterranean, which will be a focal point of the agenda. day when the G7 and the countries concerned will share their views and perspectives. »

Monitoring the G20 results

Modi's participation in the G7 summit will also enable him to follow up on the outcomes of the G20 summit held last year under Indian presidency. Kwatra stressed that “the Prime Minister's participation in the G7 summit would also provide a timely opportunity to follow up on the outcomes of the G20 summit held under Indian presidency last year and deliberate on issues focused on the Global South.”

Engage with global leaders

The summit offers Modi a chance to engage with other world leaders on issues important to India and the Global South. This will also provide opportunities for bilateral meetings with G7 leaders on the sidelines. Kwatra added, “On the sidelines of the G7 in Italy, Prime Minister Modi is also expected to hold bilateral meetings and discussions with G7 leaders as well as outreach countries and international organizations.”

India's continued engagement at the G7

This is India's 11th participation in the G7 summit and Modi's fifth consecutive participation. Italy, which chairs the G7 this year, is hosting the summit attended by Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the European Union. The G7 Summit agenda highlights conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and the Middle East, relations with developing countries and emerging economies, migration, links between climate and energy, food security and artificial intelligence.
Prime Minister Modi's participation in the G7 summit highlights India's active engagement on the global stage. By addressing key issues and holding strategic discussions, Modi aims to strengthen India's position and help solve pressing global challenges. (With contribution from agencies)




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