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Javier Milei visits China and meets Xi Jinping

Javier Milei visits China and meets Xi Jinping


President Javier Milei to travel to China to meet Xi Jinping after exchange extended. Without much confirmation in this regard, it is estimated that the meeting could take place in the first days of July.

The next due date for the exchange was June 30 and, if they did not reach an agreement, they would have to pay around $2.9 billion.. In this way, a hard blow to the BCRA coffers was avoided, while purchases of dollars on the free exchange market are rare.

After the meeting between the Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos and the Chinese Ambassador to Argentina, Wang Wei, The agreement with the Eastern country would have finally been concluded. Now the next economic objective of the government is that The IMF approves the fourth review of the agreement and obtains the disbursement of 800 million dollars.

central bank

Before negotiations with the IMF, Javier Milei will meet Georgieva in Europe

President Javier Miley add to his tour in Europe meetings with the director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgievaas part of the G7 meeting in Italy, Ispeaks with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelenskyduring the World Peace Summit to be held in Switzerland.

In view of his new landing on the Old Continent, the president added these two high-level meetings. In principle, departure at dawn – after the vote on the Basic Law – to the Italian city of Bariwhere you can participate in the G7, which brings together the strongest economies in the world.

The meeting with Georgieva will be in parallel with the Fund approving a disbursement of nearly $800 million for Argentina for having achieved the objectives of the first quarter and facing a negotiation for a new economic program, which would include, among other things, the rescheduling of the payment of interest and capital of the debt.

On Saturday, Milei will travel to Brgenstock, Switzerland, to participate in the World Peace Summit in Ukraine. There will be a bilateral meeting with his counterpart Zelensky, who will award him the “Order of Freedom” decoration..

The President's travel itinerary

Friday June 14

  • The president will speak as part of the expanded session “Artificial Intelligence and Energy”. In addition, he will have bilateral meetings with the President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, with the President of the World Bank, Ajay Banga, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron; and IMF Director Kristalina Georgieva.

Saturday June 15

  • Javier Milei travels to Brgenstock, Switzerland, to participate in the World Peace Summit in Ukraine. There he will hold a bilateral meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, who will award him the Order of Freedom. At night, return to the country.

Sunday June 16

  • 8:30 a.m.: The President arrives at Minister Pistarini international airport.




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