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Nancy Pelosi's daughter grits her teeth as she says her mother and Donald Trump 'would be perfect together'

Nancy Pelosi's daughter grits her teeth as she says her mother and Donald Trump 'would be perfect together'


She can't imagine him as her father.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's daughter, Christine Pelosi, has responded to claims that her mother and former President Donald Trump would be “perfect together.”

Punchbowl News reporter Jake Sherman claimed that the ex-commander in chief told House Republicans during his jaunt to the Capitol on Thursday that one of Pelosi's “whacko” daughters told him that They would make a good couple.

Christine Pelosi, a Democratic strategist, denied that one of her sisters told Donald Trump that he would be perfect with their mother. Getty Images for Politicon

“Nancy Pelosis daughter is crazy, her daughter told me if things were different Nancy and I would be perfect together, there is an age difference though,” Sherman reported telling Trump.

Trump is 77 while Nancy is 84. The presumptive GOP nominee's current wife, Melania, is 54, younger than 58-year-old Christine Pelosi.

It was unclear which daughter Trump was referring to, but Christine Pelosi issued a sharp rebuke shortly afterward, saying it was all a “lie” and that Trump had a “deranged obsession” with her. mother.

Nancy Pelosi tore up a copy of Donald Trump's 2020 State of the Union address. AFP via Getty Images

“Speaking on behalf of Pelosi's four daughters, this is a LIE. His deceptive and deranged obsession with our mother is yet another reason why Donald Trump is sick, unhinged and unfit to set foot near her or the White House,” Pelosi railed on X.

A spokesperson for Nancy Pelosi also denied the claim, telling the Post: “This guy is out of his mind. Not that he had many to begin with.

Trump's campaign has also denied some of the remarks he allegedly made to Republicans during his visit to Washington, DC – but he has a knack for taunting his enemies.

Before the 2024 candidates' appearances at the Capitol Hill Club and the Republican Senate Committee, Nancy Pelosi and a chorus of other Democrats bristled at her return.

Donald Trump presented a united Republican front after months of divisions within the congressional Republican Party. P.A.

With his promise to be a dictator from day one and take revenge on his political opponents, Donald Trump is heading to Capitol Hill today with the same mission to dismantle our democracy, Pelosi said ahead of her visit.

But make no mistake, Trump has already cemented his legacy of shame in our hallowed halls.

Trump used his return trip to the nation's capital to send a message of unity to Republicans mired in considerable infighting in Congress.

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Photos from his trip indicate he shook hands and sat next to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), with whom he has long had a frosty relationship.

“It was a great meeting. There is tremendous unity within the Republican Party,” Trump proclaimed after meeting with Republicans in the NRSC.

The 45th president emphasized his desire to see Republicans secure a solid majority in both houses of Congress and expressed confidence in his party's prospects ahead of the Nov. 5 election.

Trump will celebrate his 78th birthday on Friday.

The Post has contacted the Trump campaign for comment.




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