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Trump slammed Milwaukee as a 'horrible city,' GOP rebuts

Trump slammed Milwaukee as a 'horrible city,' GOP rebuts


Former President Trump's comment in Milwaukee faces backlash

Former President Trump explains what he meant by calling Milwaukee a “horrible city” behind closed doors.

MILWAUKEE – Former President Donald Trump used the phrase “horrible city” when talking about Milwaukee during a private meeting with House Republicans on Thursday, June 13. Now Mr. Trump explains these words.

“Milwaukee, where we have our convention, is a horrible city,” Jake Sherman of Punchbowl News first reported, the former president said behind closed doors.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – JUNE 09: Republican presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during his campaign rally at Sunset Park on June 09, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The former president continues to campaign across the country.

The former president later explained his comments in an interview with FOX News, after receiving backlash from Milwaukee leaders, Democrats and the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce.

“What I wanted to say was very clear. We are very concerned about crime. I love Milwaukee. I have very good friends in Milwaukee. But, as you know, the crime numbers are terrible. We need to be very careful. But I was also referring to the elections, the voting, the way it went in Milwaukee. Very, very bad.

Recounts, random audits and legal challenges have done nothing to change Joe Biden's victory in Wisconsin.

Democrats immediately jumped on the “horrible city” comment.

“If Donald Trump was talking about things he finds horrible, we've all been through his presidency, so let's get back to you, buddy,” said Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson. “He's running for president, he obviously wants to win Wisconsin, you know, win the election. So to insult the state that's hosting your convention, I think it's a little weird, actually. It's a a little unbalanced in a way.”

Cavalier Johnson, Mayor of Milwaukee

In the private meeting with former President Trump, House Republicans either said the context was missing or denied that the words were even said.

“We're in there for an hour. I don't remember him talking about it at all,” said Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska.

“I was in the room. President Trump didn't say that. There's no better place than Wisconsin in July,” Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wisconsin) posted on X.

“Are you retracting your original tweet where you said he didn't make those comments? » asked FOX6's Jason Calvi of Steil on Thursday.

“I don't think he was talking about the city of Milwaukee. I think he was talking about specific issues that are challenges that we face in the city of Milwaukee and across the country,” Steil responded.

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Wisconsin Republican Derrick Van Orden said the president was talking about crime. But other Republicans said the former president was talking about the election.

Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Wisconsin said a congresswoman asked about election integrity — and Fitzgerald said the president raised concerns about 19 seats.

“In that context, he said that phrase about Milwaukee and he was absolutely referring to elections and the way elections are conducted in the city of Milwaukee,” Fitzgerald said.

“The quote was correct, wasn't it?” Calvi asked Fitzgerald.

“Again, regarding the election,” Fitzgerald responded.

President Joe Biden tweeted a photo with the Milwaukee Bucks at the White House with the caption “I love Milwaukee.”

The former president made the “horrible city” comment Thursday morning during a closed-door meeting with House Republicans in Washington, DC. Later in the day, he met with Senate Republicans. He also spoke with business leaders at an event as part of the Business Roundtable, a group made up of more than 200 CEOs from some of the nation's largest companies.

The visit to Washington came less than five months before Election Day and nearly a month before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Milwaukee will host the Republican National Convention July 15-18.

“I hope that not only our former president and everyone who is going to start in Milwaukee will see everything that we have to offer,” said Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley. “I can’t wait to really prove him wrong and let him know what we have to offer.”


Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) – Post X

“Milwaukee produces the world's best beer, brats and motorcycles. It's home to some of our most vibrant communities, our hardest workers and is part of what makes Wisconsin the best state in the country.

“Donald Trump wouldn’t understand even if a jury told him.”

Eric Hovde, Republican candidate for US Senate

“I love the city of Milwaukee and it's sad to see how poorly Democrats have run it for generations – and that includes Senator Baldwin and President Biden. The people of Milwaukee deserve better and that's why I campaign across the city to show people there is another way.”

Metropolitan Milwaukee Commerce Association (MMAC)

“Donald Trump's comments are flat out wrong. Milwaukee, in a word, is vibrant. We are proud of our people – diverse in makeup and hardworking at heart. We are proud of our strong history and bright future in matter of economic development. – deeply rooted in innovation, with a tradition of progress in American manufacturing for more than a century We are proud of the Fortune 500 companies headquartered in our city, employing thousands of. Talented Milwaukeeans are proud of our cultural assets that exist among the best in any metro. We can't wait to show the world what Milwaukee has to offer next month.




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