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Boris Johnson makes first major election intervention in support of Teesside Conservative candidate

Boris Johnson makes first major election intervention in support of Teesside Conservative candidate


Boris Johnson made one of his first major initiatives during the general election campaign, supporting the re-election of Simon Clarke in Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland.

The former prime minister, who has been relatively quiet since his successor called a snap election last month, stepped in to support Sir Simon.

Since Mr Sunak resigned as chancellor under Mr Johnson's premiership in July 2022, triggering a mass exodus of MPs from government and party roles, relations between the men have reportedly been strained.

Last month Boris Johnson used his Daily Mail column to attack Sir Keir Starmer, but he is yet to publicly back Rishi Sunak as he now has with Sir Simon.

Boris Johnson. (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT)

In a video posted to social media, Johnson said: Boris Johnson here, just saying how passionately I hope Simon Clarke is re-elected as MP for Middlesbrough South because firstly, he played a crucial role in the whole upgrade. agenda on Teesside.

The Freeport, which brings steelworks back to the area, is helping to save the airport, and it is vital that we keep Simon Clarke there to prevent Ben Houchen from simply being surrounded by Labor MPs. »

Simon was heroic in helping me get elected, getting us all elected in 2019 with one of the biggest majorities our party has seen in a very long time and, of course, helping to deliver Brexit and prevent Jeremy Corbyn, Keir Starmer, and everyone else sort it out.

I hope you will vote for Simon Clarke, from Middlesbrough South, on July 4.

A spokesperson for Mr Johnson, who steps down as prime minister in June 2022, said last month that he, as always, strongly supported the Conservatives and encouraged everyone to do the same.

Mr Sunak previously said he had spoken to his predecessor and former boss amid speculation about the possible role the former prime minister would play in the campaign.

Asked if Mr Johnson would campaign for him, Mr Sunak told The Daily T podcast: That's a question for him. He's also a busy guy.

Simon Clarke. (Image: PA)

Responding to the endorsement, Simon Clarke said: “I'm delighted to have the support of Boris Johnson – the man who rebuffed Keir Starmer's attempt to overturn Brexit and install Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister – twice.

It was a privilege to serve in Boris' government and help defeat Covid with Europe's fastest vaccine rollout, convince people to leave the EU and ensure Ukraine had the support necessary to resist the horrible invasion of Russia.

More than anyone, Boris understands why it's important to take things to the next level.

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“No National politician has done more for Teesside than him and he has supported me and our Mayor Ben Houchen to the end to achieve our freeport and invest in our communities.

Above all, Boris listened to the priorities of the people of Teesside. While Keir Starmer patronized us and tried to ignore us, Boris still listened. That’s why he’s still loved here.

Also in Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland:

  • Jemma Joy, Liberal Democrats

  • Stem coverSocial Democratic Party

  • Rowan McLaughlinGreen Party

  • Luc MyerThe Labor Party




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