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PM Narendra Modi orders wider operation to tackle terrorism in Jammu | Latest news India

PM Narendra Modi orders wider operation to tackle terrorism in Jammu |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday asked security forces to deploy the full spectrum of counter-terrorism capabilities to deal with the spate of attacks that have rocked Jammu over the past four days, even as personnel deployed across the region to locate foreign terrorists and police officers detained in the surrounding area. 50 people for interrogation.

Security personnel during a search operation in Narwal, Jammu, on Thursday.  (PTI)
Security personnel during a search operation in Narwal, Jammu, on Thursday. (PTI)

The review meeting was chaired by Modi before leaving for Italy to attend the G7 summit to take stock of the situation in the Union Territory. National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval and senior officials from the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) also attended the meeting.

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Officials who asked not to be named said Modi was aware of the steps being taken to locate the terrorists, recently infiltrated from Pakistan, strengthen the security network and provide relief to the victims.

Modi, said an officer who wished to remain anonymous, asked the security forces to deploy our full counter-terrorism capabilities.

The Prime Minister also reportedly spoke to Home Minister Amit Shah and J&K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha.

Since Sunday, in four consecutive terrorist attacks in Reasi, Kathua and Doda districts, highly trained foreign terrorists from Pakistan have targeted civilians and security forces.

In an attack, a group of three to four militants opened fire on a joint check post of the 4 Rashtriya Rifles and the Jammu and Kashmir Police in the Dodas Chattargala area on the Bhaderwah-Pathankot road , Wednesday at 1:45 a.m. The ensuing shootout lasted several hours, leaving five soldiers and a special police officer injured.

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On Wednesday evening, officers said the second attack took place in Kota Top area, 150 km from Chhattargala, when a second group of terrorists attacked a police team and injured head constable Fareed Ahmed.

About 220 km away in Kathua, another shootout began late Tuesday night and continued until Wednesday morning, killing a jawan of the Central Reserve Police Force, six security personnel and one civilian injured, and two terrorists neutralized.

The three exchanges of fire followed an attack on a bus carrying pilgrims in Reasi on Sunday, when armed terrorists opened fire on the vehicle, causing it to lose control and plunge into a gorge, killing nine people. and 42 others injured.

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The series of attacks has reverberated across the region, which has quickly become the hotbed of cross-border terrorism in the restive Union Territory. Intelligence agencies have estimated the presence of 70 to 80 foreign terrorists recently infiltrated in the region. The Border Security Force (BSF), Indian Army, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and J&K Police have been put on alert as a manhunt is on for The Terrorists.

Jammu has suffered at least seven terrorist attacks in the past year. After Wednesday evening's encounter in Doda, the sketches of four suspected terrorists were also released by the local administration.

As the Amarnath Yatra begins soon, for which thousands of devotees will visit the valley, Shah will also hold a meeting with ground forces and intelligence agencies and discuss in detail the plan to dominate the area, the situation public order and status. illegal cases (prevention) against known suspects in jail or out on bail, said a counterterrorism official who asked not to be named.

The strategies that will be put in place include round-the-clock nakas (checkpoints) at strategic points, group security in the form of static guards, intensified cordon and search operations to effectively deal with the challenges posed by terrorist organizations, and real-time intelligence sharing among all security forces operating in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly in Rajouri, Poonch, Doda and Reasi regions, the official said.

We are also focusing on building a foolproof anti-infiltration network and plugging the loopholes so that Pakistan is not in a position to send more terrorists, the officer added.

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A second security official said other strategies implemented include day and night area domination, pre-emptive operations to identify strategic supporters (referring to ground workers who provide logistical support) of the terrorism and the opening of investigations to reveal their mechanisms of aiding and abetting terrorism, identifications. vulnerable points to prevent terrorist attacks against civilians and raise awareness among troops on the ground of this problem.

The government believes this strengthened strategy will help prevent further attacks, which it says have been on the decline since the repeal of Article 370 in August 2019.

According to the official data of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), 44 terrorist-initiated incidents were reported in J&K in 2023, compared to 228 in 2018 (before the abrogation of Article 370), 48 clashes were reported in 2023 between terrorists and security forces. to 189 in 2018. In these incidents, 13 civilians and 26 members of the security forces were killed in 2023, compared to 55 and 91 deaths respectively in 2018.

We are working towards achieving zero tolerance against terrorism and a 360-degree security mechanism is being strengthened to completely eliminate the support and information system of terrorists, a third security official said.




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