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G7 leaders discuss migration and artificial intelligence on second day of summit in Italy

G7 leaders discuss migration and artificial intelligence on second day of summit in Italy


BARI, Italy — The leaders of the Group of Seven major industrialized countries turned their attention to artificial intelligence, economic security and migration on the second and final day of their summit Friday, as their delegations worked on a comprehensive joint communiqué addressing many of the world's major geopolitical and social challenges.

Gathering at a luxury resort in Puglia region of southern Italy also covers other major topics, such as financial support for Ukrainethe war in Gaza, climate change, Iran, the situation in the Red Sea, gender equality and China's industrial policy and economic security.

However, certain divisions appeared, notably on the wording of the final summit declaration, with disagreements over the absence of reference to abortion.

The second day opened with a session on migration, where leaders discussed ways to combat trafficking and increase investment in countries of origin. migrants undertake often fatal journeys.

Migration is of particular interest to Italy, the host country of the summit, which is on one of the main access routes to the European Union. people fleeing war and poverty in Africain the Middle East and Asia.

Right-wing Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, known for her hard line on the issue, rushed to increase investment and financing for African nations as a means of reducing migratory pressure on Europe.

Italy wants to “dedicate a large space to another continent which is fundamental for the future of us all, which is Africa, with its difficulties and its opportunities,” Meloni said on Thursday.

Linked to Africa, and not only to Africa, there is another fundamental issue that Italy has placed at the center of the presidency, and that is the issue of migration, the increasingly worrying role that trafficking organizations play, clearly exploiting the desperation of human beings. , she says.

G7 leaders announced they would launch a coalition to combat migrant smuggling by strengthening the investigative capabilities of countries of origin, transit and destination, according to a draft final summit declaration seen by the 'Associated Press.

The draft says the seven countries will adopt a three-pronged approach to migration, focusing on root causes by strengthening development initiatives in countries of origin, strengthening border management and ensuring pathways to migration. safe and regular migration.

The G7 will use a follow-the-money approach to dismantle organized crime networks involved in migrant smuggling and strengthen cooperation on the seizure of criminal assets, the draft says.

Meloni has controversy five-year agreement with neighboring Albania for this Balkan country to welcome thousands of asylum seekers while Italy processes their requests. She also spearheaded the Matéi map for Africa, a continent-wide strategy aimed at increasing economic opportunities in the country and thus discouraging migration to Europe.

More than 22,000 people have arrived in Italy by sea so far in 2024, according to UNHCR figures. By 2023, more than 157,000 people have arrived and nearly 2,000 have died or disappeared while attempting the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean.

The United States is also grappling with growing numbers of migrants at its southern border. President Joe Biden introduced new policies to curb migration after a bill he tried to get through Congress failed to pass.

However, immigrant rights advocates filed lawsuits Thursday against the new policies, and it is unclear whether they will be able to withstand legal challenges in U.S. courts.

The fight against migration is a common challenge, declared Thursday the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. This is the path that we intend to put in place, with our partners: this coalition to fight against smugglers.

In addition to the G7 countries of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, the Italian hosts also invited several African leaders. The Algerian president Abdelmadjid TebbouneKenyan President William Ruto and Tunisian President Kais Saied to put pressure on Melonis’ migration and development initiatives.

Pope Francis also became the first pontiff to speak at a G7 summit, delivering a speech on artificial intelligence. Other guests include Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Brazilian President. Luiz Incio Lula da SilvaPrime Minister of India Narendra Modi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The summit opened Thursday with a strong show of support for kyiv: an agreement reached on a US proposal to guarantee a $50 billion loan to Ukraine using frozen Russian assets as collateral.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has denounced the freezing of Russian assets as theft and vowed it would not go unpunished.

Biden also signed a bilateral security agreement with Zelensky Thursday, aiming to send a signal to Russia of American determination to support kyiv.

But some fissures have appeared among G7 leaders, notably French President Emmanuel Macron deploring the lack of reference to abortion in the summit's draft final document.

The declaration from last year's summit in Hiroshima, Japan, expressed a commitment to providing access to safe and legal abortion for women and girls, and pledged to uphold gender equality and the rights of women. members of the LGBTQ+ community.

The word abortion was not included in this year's draft final statement seen by the AP, although a reference to promoting sexual and reproductive health rights was included.

It was not possible to reach agreement on these points in the room, a senior EU official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to reveal details of the private discussions.

Asked on Thursday about reports that abortion would not be included in the final text, Macron said it was something he regretted. France has enshrined women's right to abortion, freedom of decision over their own body, in its Constitution, he said, adding that France defends this vision of equality between women and men .

This is not a vision shared by the entire political spectrum, Macron said in response to a question from an Italian journalist. I regret it, but I respect it because it was the sovereign choice of your people.

Meloni, who campaigned on the theme of God, Family, Homeland, has denied wanting to roll back the right to abortion, legal in Italy since 1978. But the center-left opposition has warned that his initiatives undermine these rights: including giving pro-life groups access to women considering abortion.

This year's draft text indicates that the G7 reiterates its commitments in the Hiroshima Leaders' Communiqué to universal access to adequate, affordable and quality health services for women, including healthy and full sexual and reproductive rights for all.


Associated Press writer Colleen Long in Borgo Egnazia, Italy, and Maria Grazia Murru in Bari contributed to this report.




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