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BMKG explains the threat of drought that Jokowi says threatens RI

BMKG explains the threat of drought that Jokowi says threatens RI


Jakarta, CNBCIndonesia – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) warned not to bother with drought and heat waves. Because the effect will also have an impact on inflation.

This is what Jokowi said during the opening National Inflation Control Coordination Meeting 2024, Friday (14/6/2024). Jokowi quoted a statement The UN Secretary General said: the world is heading towards climate hell.

He therefore ordered all levels of government to anticipate a potential decline in national food production. In this way, it will be able to help curb the inflation rate in the country.

Jokowi also orderedOver the past 3 months, the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) and the Ministry of PUPR have collaborated with regional military commands and the TNI to quickly install and construct pumps. The objective is to install 20,000 pumps, particularly in production areas, such as rice.

In this way, Jokowi emphasized, when drought occurs in July, August and September 2024, Indonesia will be able to anticipate and reduce its impact on Indonesian food production.

So, what exactly is the potential drought that will threaten Indonesia?

As is known, the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) has published forecasts of conditionsDrought during the dry season in Indonesia will dominate until September 2024. A number of regions in Indonesia are at risk of drought, particularly Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara which have experienced fairly long days without rain (HTH).

According to the BMKG, based on seasonal zones (ZOM), up to 41% of Indonesia's territory is in the dry season. Areas experiencing dry season include parts of Aceh, parts of North Sumatra, parts of Riau, parts of South Sumatra, parts of Lampung, parts of Banten, parts of West Java, parts from Central Java, Yogya, East Java, parts of Bali. , parts of NTT and NTB, parts of Central Sulawesi and South Sulawesi, parts of South Papua.

Plt. BMKG weather modification deputy Tri Handoko Seto said the level of drought varies in different regions of Indonesia.

“It is already June, July-August will be the peak of the dry season, maybe September. As the President said earlier, we must be prepared. Don't let a shortage of water cause a decline “In addition, it is said that there is a threat of famine in 2050,” he told CNBCIndonesia, Friday (16/6/2024).

“The President said that there will be 20,000 pumps to be built. We and the Ministry of PUPR are also working together, especially because it is necessary to fill irrigation. BMKG is carrying out weather modifications to fill reservoirs in Java . Java has already been completed, we are now doing it in Sumatra and Kalimantan “This is part of the rapid response effort ordered by the president, so that we are ready so that there are no problems” , he added.

On June 20, Seto said, his party will carry out weather changes in the Riau bog. Then it will be carried out in Jambi, South Sumatra, Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan.

Seto explained that this year's dry season will be characterized by the La Niña weather phenomenon. For information, La Nina has an impact on increased precipitation, unlike El Nino which triggers extreme drought during the dry season.

“It's just that this year's La Nina is a weak La Nina. The impact will be different. Because the dry season in different regions of Indonesia is different. Some are below normal, which means drier. Some are normal, others are above normal. “So the impact of La Niña depends on the characteristics of the dry season,” Seto explained.

“The intensity of drought during the dry season in different regions of Indonesia will also vary. For this reason, we are preparing to anticipate it, both through weather modification technology, pumping and others. We are all moving,” he concluded.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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