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Global South leaders show strong presence at UNCTAD's 60th anniversary

Global South leaders show strong presence at UNCTAD's 60th anniversary


The World Leaders Forum marking six decades of the organization featured speeches from the presidents and prime ministers of Barbados, Brazil, China, Comoros, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Madagascar and Timor-Leste.

The World Leaders Forum marking the 60th anniversary of the UN on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) opened on June 12 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, with strong participation from leaders from the South.

The event, which ran until June 14, was marked by speeches from the presidents and prime ministers of Barbados, Brazil, China, Comoros, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Madagascar and Timor-Leste.

UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres, UN Secretary-General for Trade and Development Rebeca Grynspan and Federal Councilor Guy Parmelin of host country Switzerland also spoke at the ceremony. 'opening.

The forum brought together heads of state, trade and foreign ministers, as well as renowned economists, business leaders and civil society representatives to chart a new development path in a changing world fast.

Barbados: Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley of Barbados has congratulated the UN on Trade and Development for its 60 years of service to developing countries, highlighting its contributions to global trade, growth and development. She commended the organization of the first United Nations Global Supply Chain Forum and its new strategy for small island developing States.

Ms. Mottley highlighted the crucial role of the UN for trade and development in strengthening the multilateral trading system, transforming global financial structures and developing strategies that maximize trade opportunities while aligning them with action. climate and economic diversification.

Brazil: President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva

Brazilian President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva has expressed pride in his country's involvement with the United Nations for trade and development, highlighting its role in advocating for a fairer international financial system.

He underlined his confidence in the ability of the United Nations trade and development system to foster a more prosperous, fairer and more inclusive future.

China: President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping has recognized the role of the UN in trade and development in promoting South-South cooperation and promoting North-South dialogue. He reiterated the country's commitment to the Global South and the developing world, aimed at facilitating global modernization and achieving common prosperity.

To support the UN Trade and Development's implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Chinese president announced a contribution of 20 million dollars from China over the next five years.

Comoros: President Is Assoumani

President Azali Assoumani of the Comoros has congratulated the UN for Trade and Development for its contribution to the integration of countries of the South into the global economy.

He highlighted Comoros' commitment to the organization's objectives and highlighted the country's desire to deepen its partnership with the UN for trade and development.

Cuba: President Miguel Daz-Canel

Cuban President Miguel Daz-Canel highlighted the regression of most of the SDGs, pointing to the COVID-19 pandemic's exposure of the disparity between those living in extreme poverty and the richest 1%.

He pointed out that while 40% of the population lives in highly indebted countries, the richest nations struggle to devote 0.7% of their wealth to supporting developing countries. Mr. Daz-Canel stressed that the UN on Trade and Development provides the ideal platform to highlight these inequalities.

Dominican Republic: President Luis Abinader

President Luis Abinader of the Dominican Republic recognized the UN's contributions to trade and development in finding solutions, fostering global and regional cooperation and developing international standards for fairer trade. He highlighted the need to build societies focused on human well-being, promote sustainable investments and encourage innovation in the digital age.

Mr. Abinader reaffirmed the Dominican Republic's commitment to supporting the organization's efforts to make trade and investment more inclusive and to reform the international financial architecture.

Madagascar: President Andry Nirina Rajoelina

President Andry Nirina Rajoelina of Madagascar welcomed the valuable commitment and technical assistance of the United Nations for trade and development.

Mr Rajoelina said the country's one district, one factory plan aims to provide equitable economic opportunities and support food production through innovative industrial processing. Strengthening exports, particularly of vanilla, is a key objective. He thanked the United Nations for Trade and Development for its support.

Timor-Leste: Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmo

Timor-Leste Prime Minister Kay Rala world before the 2007 crisis.

He stressed the need for independent thinking to meet new challenges and saw the 60th anniversary as an opportunity to achieve this. Gusmo highlighted that Timor-Leste is one of the few countries classified as both a least developed country and a small island developing state, welcoming UN support for trade and development and calling for more resources to help fragile nations.




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