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China is pressuring Milei to travel to meet Xi Jinping and confirm the extension of the exchange in person.

China is pressuring Milei to travel to meet Xi Jinping and confirm the extension of the exchange in person.


President Javier Milei decided to go to China to meet his counterpart Xi Jinping, after the approval of the currency exchange which avoided the government from entering into an even more complex situation than the current one. Although the presidential spokesperson,Manuel Adorni,I clarified that the visit is not yet confirmed, I left the possibility open, specifying that this does not prevent it from taking place. The truth is that China's strong economic support puts the current administration between a rock and a hard place, after Milei himself repeatedly boasted about not negotiating with the communists.

After the renewal of the $5 billion swap with free availability, rumors are growing that the Argentine president will travel during the first week of July. But it also appeared that China would push for the meeting to take place on a meaningful and not coincidental date: July 4, Independence Day in the United States, a country to which Milei submitted ideologically, but which , unlike the Asian giant, does not lend you money through the Monetary Fund (IMF).

President Xi Jinping.

After the dialectical attacks on China, the government was forced, for reasons of convenience, to work on the complex task of reestablishing and deepening ties between nations. For this, the brand new chief of staff,Guillermo Francos visited in recent hours the Chinese ambassador to the country, Wang Wei..However, the Taiwan issue appears to be a stone in the path of a fragile bond.

Milei must bow her head to China

It is in this context that the Central Bank confirmed on Wednesday, through a press release, that it has renewed with the Central Bank of the People's Republic of China (PBOC) the entire activated tranche of theto exchangefor the equivalent of 5 billion dollars between the two institutions for a period of 12 months. The monetary authority also indicated that the objective is for the BCRA to gradually reduce the activated amount of exchangeover the next 12 months and this section will be completely disabled by mid-2026.

For the moment, the day of the meeting between the Argentine president and Xi Jinping continues to be negotiated. But Beijing is pushing with all its political forces for July 4 to take place. A highly symbolic date which will serve as a very clear message to the United States. The fact is that, if it takes place, the meeting would serve to demonstrate the strength of the agreements signed between China and Argentina by previous administrations, led by Cristina Fernández and continued under the presidency of Mauricio Macri under the supervision of his former ambassador. , Diego Guélar.




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