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President Erdoan discusses Israeli massacres in Gaza with Brazilian Lula

President Erdoan discusses Israeli massacres in Gaza with Brazilian Lula


President Recep Tayyip Erdoan discussed Trkiye-Brazil relations, measures to be taken against Israeli massacres in Gaza and global developments with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy on Friday, said the presidential communications department.

Erdoan told Lula that Israel was isolated because of its massacres in Gaza and that more pressure needed to be put on Tel Aviv to end its oppression of the Palestinians.

The two leaders also focused on bilateral relations, the leadership said.

The meeting of Erdoan and Lula comes two days after the two countries' top diplomats met in Trkiye, during which Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said Ankara appreciated Brazil's position on regard to Gaza.

Brazil has opposed Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. Erdoan has previously said that Brazil's tough stance on Israeli violence committed in the Palestinian territories is laudable, as Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva himself has harshly criticized the Israeli military campaign on Gaza.

Last month, Trkiye announced that it was preparing to submit its declaration of official intervention in the genocide case, becoming the first Muslim state and third nation after Nicaragua and Colombia to file a lawsuit against Israel following its offensive in the Gaza Strip which killed at least 36,000 Palestinians, injured nearly 80,000 and forcibly displaced more than 2 million people.

Ankara has harshly denounced Israeli attacks and the blockade of Gaza, cut off all trade with Tel Aviv, called for an immediate ceasefire and criticized what it calls the West's unconditional support for Israel.

In its interim ruling in January, the ICJ found it plausible that Israel was committing genocide in Gaza, ordering it to stop such acts and take steps to ensure the delivery of aid to civilians, but Israel has always ignored the World Court.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoan joined the G7 leaders' summit as a guest on Friday.

Arriving from Madrid, Erdoan was welcomed at Borgo Egnazia by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni before meeting other G7 leaders.

The President is accompanied by First Lady Emine Erdoan, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Senior Foreign Policy and Security Advisor to the President Ambassador Akif Aatay Kl and Vice President for Communications Aatay Zdemir.

The Sabah Daily News Bulletin

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