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Saudi Arabia focuses on Chinese tourism

Saudi Arabia focuses on Chinese tourism


  1. Five million Chinese tourists per year by 2030
  2. A recruitment strategy already in motion
  3. Artificial intelligence as a tool for empowerment

In September last year, Saudi Arabia set targets to attract tourism from Asia, particularly China. However, the evolving policies of Xi Jinping's government and growing Saudi expectations have led Riyadh to set even more ambitious goals than less than a year ago.

Five million Chinese tourists per year by 2030

This is the number they are aiming for in six years. Date marked in red in the Saudi agenda, around which a good part of its initiatives revolve, as represented by its mega-project Saudi Vision 2030. In September, Riyadh set a target of three million tourists per year in from China by 2030, an idea that has changed radically in recent months.

PHOTO/Saudi Press Agency via REUTERS - Officials pose for a photo in front of a Boeing 878-9 Dreamliner, the new plane of Saudi airline Riyadh Airs arrived at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on the 12th June 2023.
PHOTO/Saudi Press Agency via REUTERS – Officials pose for a photo in front of a Boeing 878-9 Dreamliner, the new plane of Saudi airline Riyadh Airs arriving at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, June 12, 2023.

He did it because China is a very important country and an important market for us…and we are implementing multiple strategies. These are the words of Gloria Guevara, senior advisor to the Saudi Ministry of Tourism, who assures that ties with Beijing have not only improved exponentially in recent times, but that the idea is that they will continue to do so in the years to come.

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A recruitment strategy already in motion

Nine months ago, when a deal to make Saudi Arabia a major destination for China was announced, Tourism Minister Ahmed Al-Khatib said the target was three million. A figure which, at the time, perhaps seemed too ambitious – considering that last year the number of Chinese tourists did not exceed 100,000 – but that the trips of Fahd Hamid Al-Din, director executive of the Saudi Tourism Authority, in China have made it more important. to grow.

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech during the sixth meeting of the Franco-Chinese Business Council at the Théâtre Marigny in Paris, France, May 6, 2024 - REUTERS/MOHAMMED BADRA
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech during the sixth meeting of the French-Chinese Business Council at the Marigny Theater in Paris, France, May 6, 2024. REUTERS/MOHAMMED BADRA

The rapprochement between Riyadh and Beijing is a reality, and the first proof, at least in tourist terms, are the signs in Mandarin Chinese that can be read at the airport of the Saudi capital. We train tour guides and work with hotel groups like Jinjiang and Radisson to personalize experiences so they can benefit from the offers expected by Chinese tourists. » is one of the phrases already displayed at King Khalid International Airport.

Developments which began with the key milestone of the launch of the first direct flights between Riyadh and Beijing in August 2023 by Saudi Airlines. This gesture was responded to by China Southern Airlines in mid-April this year. Approaches which are part of a global and above all very innovative strategy.

Artificial intelligence as a tool for empowerment

Although there are many other countries that Saudi Arabia is also setting its sights on to attract tourists, China remains the main target, ahead of India and other European countries that are part of a deal between Riyadh and the platform. This project includes travel products and payment solutions to finance them based on artificial intelligence.

They aim to exploit the power of the latest technologies and innovations to improve tourism across the Kingdom and shape its future. Huawei and smart marketing platform Petal Addis are also collaborating to improve the experience of Chinese tourists in Saudi Arabia through digital tourism services.




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