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2024 is not 1992, Babar Azam is not Imran Khan, rain is pouring in Pakistan | Cricket News

2024 is not 1992, Babar Azam is not Imran Khan, rain is pouring in Pakistan |  Cricket News


Rain should not intervene. Team A must beat team B. Team C must lend a hand. The net execution rate should remain under control. Such twists of fate and variables have depended Pakistan's fortunes in recent years. But hope springs eternal; the faith in miracles is unshakeable, until the last ball is thrown, until the precise moment when they are mathematically eliminated from the tournament.

It has become so common in Pakistan that such emotions and attributions have lost their novelty and romanticism. It has become a well-known cliché. Pakistan, in the final group match, were on the brink, praying for divine intervention. So they wanted the rains to subside and the sun to shine in Florida. They hoped Ireland would beat the United States so they could stay alive at the World Cup. This was not to be. Rain and, consequently, a wet outfield meant that the match between the USA and Ireland was carried away without a single ball being thrown. Pakistan, with one match remaining, were eliminated. The former world champions failed to advance past the group stage.

Pakistan's faith in miracle and destiny has its roots in the 1992 World Cup, an equally rain-affected but thrilling tournament where Imran Khan's men escaped with one point after being bowled out for 74 This point would later take them to the semi-finals. The breathtaking return of cornered tigers.

But just because it happened once doesn't mean it will happen every time. Sport is too serious a business for random recurrences. For fortune and destiny to align and pull them out of all the tight corners every time. In reality, the team was more destined for an early exit, not in the first round perhaps, from the moment the selectors chose the team. There were more cracks in the team than holes in the depleted ozone layer. The stick lacked explosive power. In three matches, they hit just 13 sixes and 19 fours. Running between wickets is a parody of Virat Kohli.

So much so that they would have been inadequate to meet the demands of even new age ODI cricket, let alone the increasing demands of T20 batting. The slow launches in the United States seem to mask their flaw. Pakistan, in fact, got to play on two of the best pitches on the American side: Dallas had virtually no demons, and New York's variation against India wasn't as evil as some of the others there. .

It is so reflective of their colossal ineptitude that Babar Azam and Co failed to get past India's 119, imploding 80 for 3, and Shaheen Shah Afridi and his three horsemen were unable to whip up an apocalyptic storm to defend the 159 against the United States. Mohammed Amir still has the fingers to tickle the magic, but in the super over his nerves and precision were shattered. He bowled the perfect yorker in the fatal Super Over, but his wides down the leg side would have required a string of wrapped slippers to stop.

Still, it was entirely conceivable that they would let the balloon pop between their greasy palms. The fielding, especially at slips, would make club cricketers blush. The catches they knocked down, the half chances they missed, the releases they didn't make, the runs they sifted into their palms should haunt them more than the miracles that didn't happen. not manifested. Their rich spinner heritage has been lost to the sands of time, a legacy as distant as the West Indies lost their fast bowling stocks.

Some chaos was only expected. The concept of consummate march to the podium does not exist for Pakistan cricket. The few fumbles and stumbles, the historical volatility, have only strengthened their appeal. But this time, even the chaos contained neither pleasure nor charm. If anything, it only induced numb boredom. They had long since lost their thrilling madness. Even their implosions are less fascinating these days.

Even if Pakistan had somehow sneaked into the Super Eight, a title run was beyond their reach. Babar 24's class wasn't so much a team as a collection of distracted, disenchanted talents immersed in their own world. Even a captain as charismatic as Imran Khan would have struggled to propel them into a winning side.

Imrans' 1992 squad had a dazzling array of young match-winners whom he guided, cajoled and yelled to give their best. This is not the case with Babars. In the end, the diagnosis was that simple. His team had ordinary talent, taking out two or three, performing normally. Unless they come out of the dreamland of miracles, of dependence on accidents of fate, Pakistan will never realize their cricketing destiny.

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