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Amnesty International denounces the conviction of Chinese activists

Amnesty International denounces the conviction of Chinese activists


Amnesty International on Friday strongly criticized the sentencing of two Chinese activists sentenced to long prison terms for inciting subversion of state power.

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China's greatest advantage in its efforts to control its population and dominate the world may simply be that few people pay attention. However, for those who look a little closer, the Beijing regime demonstrates almost every day how oppressive it is.

The latest example came on Friday, when journalist and #MeToo activist Sophia Huang Xueqin was sentenced to five years in prison, and labor activist Wang Jianbing was given a prison term of three years and six months for incitement to the subversion of state power.

In China, this is what we call when we express our opinion on a subject that is taboo for the Beijing regime.

Human rights organization Amnesty International sharply criticized the convictions against Huang, who worked on campaigns to help victims of sexual assault and harassment, and Wang, who provided legal support to people with disabilities and workers suffering from occupational diseases.

In reality, they committed no crime, said Sarah Brooks, director of Amnesty International China. Instead, the Chinese government has invented excuses to view their work as a threat and to target them to educate themselves and others about social justice issues such as women's dignity and human rights. workers.

The two activists were arrested as early as September 2021, meaning they have now been detained for almost 1,000 days.

China has long prosecuted people who do not toe the party line, such as lawyers, journalists, activists and others, on dubious charges like inciting subversion of state power.

These malicious and completely baseless convictions show how terrified the Chinese government is of the emerging wave of activists who dare to speak out to protect the rights of others, Brooks said, adding that today's verdicts will have a additional deterrent effect on human and social rights. advocacy in a country where activists face increasing state repression.

Although the convictions received limited media coverage, the group Free Huang Xueqin & Wang Jianbing lamented that they mainly focused on the female journalist and not the male activist.

We have observed that most media coverage and statements focus primarily on Huang Xueqin, while Wang Jianbing, the low-key labor activist involved in the same case, is often only briefly mentioned or completely ignored, the group declarednoting that Wang held weekly meetings in his apartment.

A United Nations working group on arbitrary detention determined two years ago that Wang was arbitrarily detained and subjected to violence and abuse.

Huang announced that she would appeal the verdict.




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