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G7 leaders accuse China of allowing Russia to wage war on Ukraine in stark warning

G7 leaders accuse China of allowing Russia to wage war on Ukraine in stark warning



China's support for Russia enables its war in Ukraine, the leaders of the world's most advanced economies warned on Friday in a tougher tone against Beijing, while threatening new sanctions against actors who materially support the war machine from Moscow.

The stark warning, issued at the end of the annual Group of Seven (G7) summit in Italy, comes as the United States steps up diplomatic efforts to convince Europe to take a tougher stance on the China on its role in aiding Russia's military-industrial projects. complex.

China's continued support for Russia's defense industrial base allows Russia to continue its illegal war in Ukraine and has significant and far-reaching security implications, the G7 leaders said in the statement Friday.

We call on China to cease the transfer of dual-use materials, including weapons components and equipment, which constitute inputs to the Russian defense sector.

The leaders also threatened further measures, including sanctions, to punish Chinese entities they say are helping Russia circumvent Western embargoes.

We will continue to take action against actors in China and third countries that materially support the Russian war machine, including financial institutions, consistent with our legal systems, and other entities in China that facilitate acquisition by Russia of articles for its defense industrial base, indicates the joint communiqué. , pledging to impose restrictive measures to prevent abuse and restrict access to our financial systems.

U.S. officials have accused China of helping Russia expand its military production, including by exporting semiconductors, materials and machine tools that they say allow Moscow to ramp up production of tanks, ammunition and armored vehicles.

Beijing has refuted the allegation, saying it has not supplied weapons to either side and maintains strict controls on the export of dual-use goods.

The United States and European Union have already imposed sanctions on Chinese companies, and this week the United States imposed new sanctions on China-based companies that supply semiconductors to Russia.

China is not providing weapons, but the capacity to produce those weapons and the technology available to do so, US President Joe Biden said at Thursday's summit. So it's actually about helping Russia.

Leaders of the G7 countries met this week in southern Italy, with a priority on strengthening support for Ukraine.

The G7 is also taking a tougher stance on Chinese economic policies, particularly on the issue of industrial overcapacity, pledging to take action against unfair practices to level the playing field and address persistent damage.

We express concerns about China's continued industrial targeting and global non-market policies and practices that lead to global spillovers, market distortions and damaging overcapacity across a growing range of sectors, undermining our workers, our industries, as well as as our economic resilience and security, the joint statement said. said.

The day before the summit, the EU announced additional tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs) imported from China following a months-long investigation into what it sees as Beijing's unfair support for businesses. which undercut European car manufacturers.

Last month, the United States also imposed new tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a handful of sectors deemed strategic to national security, including electric vehicles and clean energy products.

The G7 also expressed strong opposition to what it sees as China's unilateral attempts to change the status quo through force or coercion in the East and South China Seas.

We continue to oppose China's dangerous use of coast guards and maritime militias in the South China Sea and its repeated obstruction of countries' freedom of navigation on the high seas, the joint statement said.

We express our deep concern over the increasing use of dangerous maneuvers and water cannons against Philippine ships.




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