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The SPICY comment against JAVIER MILEI for his trip to the G7: “He will…”

The SPICY comment against JAVIER MILEI for his trip to the G7: “He will…”


The mayor of Pehuaj, Pablo Zurrowas energetic in giving his opinion on the possible trip of Javier Miley in China, which will take place in the first week of July. “He will suck Xi Jinping” surprised by giving his opinion on the attitude that, according to him, the Argentine president will have towards his Chinese counterpart, whom he repeatedly harmed.

“I hope that when Milei has to see Xi Jinping, she doesn't turn into Lorena Bobbit. He's going to suck, but don't be stupid because we're going to have all the Chinese against him.. I want to see if he tells them now that he's not going because they're left-handed. “She has attacks of hysteria mixed with persecution, she is crazy,” the Peronist mayor said in a radio interview. referring to the case of the American woman who amputated her husband's penis.

In a dialogue with Radio Con Vos, Zurro also criticized the sanction of the law on the bases by the Senate and accused several legislators of “to have a price.”

“I think all this should be stopped within MPs, but we need to see how everyone thinks. What Milei has done is discredit some politicians, but not politics. He, who is so anti-caste, has found a price for Camau Espnola and Kueider, who is a poor boy. They have no ideology, they have a price“, the needle.

In turn, the Pehuajense declared that Guillermo Francos “will not comply” the promises he made, he believes, to the senators who voted in favor of the project.

“Francos is as good as Scioli. They are like two little twin brothers. Francos will fuck anyone who promises things. In reality, he doesn't care about the people and we don't have to be silent. If I don't like something, why should I keep quiet? By Bullrich? Bullrich is, among other things, a serial delivery man,” he said.

“Francos will fuck anyone who promises things”

In another part of the interview, Zurro said he was present around Congress while serving in the Upper House and said the incidents They were armed by the ruling party.

“I put on a white T-shirt that said no to the law on the bases and I walked around the entire area. The armed forces that repressed were shameful. What they did to the deputy Carlos Castagneto, a man peaceful, was disgusting. We must be careful, because so much violence will generate even more violence. Then you have to listen to a bunch of idiots who talk about a coup d'état“, ready.

Furthermore, and thinking about the next elections, Zurro gave his opinion on the future of Peronism and declared that Cristina Fernández de Kirchner continues to be the chief of the opposition.

“They are destroying the country. I don't agree with anything with the ruling party because I think of a country with a current state. CFK left with a complete square then arrived the two prophylactic elephants, the biggest liners there are, which are Macri and Caputo, that we still have to listen to them, and this is where the Argentine debacle and the foreign debt begin. And then it continued with a very doubtful Alberto,” he analyzed.

“But there are television panelists who call themselves Peronists and who ask for self-criticism. No, guys, we have to continue the fight, talk about great wealth, about the way we want distribution. They say we have no future, how can we not have a future? It's exhausted. The problem is that with RIGI, they will put Argentina in debt. And if Cristina has already been there, why are they still talking about her?” he added.

Finally, when asked about a possible candidacy for Axel KicillofZurro asked not to talk about proper names and to think about how to solve “people's hunger.”

“Kicillof is doing very well, like so many others, he is the best governor in the history of the province of Buenos Aires, very empathetic, very competent. But now We must seek unity and not focus on who will occupy the positions“We need to take care of people’s hunger,” he concluded.




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