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Marco Rubio says Trump's remark about immigrants 'poisoning the blood' of the US was not about race

Marco Rubio says Trump's remark about immigrants 'poisoning the blood' of the US was not about race


Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a possible vice presidential pick for former President Donald Trump, defended Trump's previous remarks about immigrants “poisoning the blood of our country” in a Spanish-language interview Wednesday with Telemundo.

“I think he speaks this way and that way,” Rubio said in Spanish, with an English translation provided by the network, when asked if Trump could win the Latino vote, despite those comments.

“There have been Hispanics in his cabinet, or rather on his team. As the press mentions, he considers one to be his vice-presidential running mate,” Rubio added, in what appears to be a reference to him -even. “He has very strong ties to the community.”

Under further questioning, Rubio claimed Trump's comment wasn't really about race.

“It's a saying that he uses, but it has nothing to do with race, because at the end of the day he's talking about the country, not the people,” Rubio said. “The country is threatened by this influx of people, which we now know even includes criminals and terrorists.”

During the interview, Rubio also expressed support for Trump's plans for mass deportations across the country, telling Telemundo “it's American law.”

“I'm going to do a big expulsion, the biggest expulsion ever,” Trump said in a recent Fox News interview. “Eisenhower did the greatest, this one will be even greater. But it's a very difficult thing. What they did to our country is unthinkable.”

In 2016, Rubio said that carrying out mass deportations of more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States was not “a realistic policy,” but he now says his views have since changed.

“My idea at the time was to find a process for these people who are not criminals while still doing something, so that this doesn't happen again. Today, in addition to these 11 million, over the last years, we've welcomed 9 or 10 million more people. It's a huge problem and a completely different problem.

Rubio's views on mass deportations align with sentiments expressed by voters across the country.

According to a recent CBS News poll, 62 percent of voters said they would in principle support a new government program to deport all undocumented immigrants living in the United States illegally.

The Democratic Party sharply criticized Rubio for defending Trump's characterization of immigrants.

“Donald Trump's statement that immigrants are 'poisoning the blood of our country' is the kind of dangerous language used by the likes of Hitler and Mussolini – and Marco Rubio is willing to defend it just for a chance to be the Trump's running mate,” the DNC said. said spokesperson Kenia Guerrero after Rubio's interview. “Rubio lost his last shred of dignity just to participate in a race to the bottom to appear on an extreme MAGA ticket in November, which is completely out of touch with the voters who will decide this election.”

While Democrats have condemned Rubio's comments in the interview as anti-immigration, Latin American political analysts say the Florida senator has been an effective messenger for the Trump campaign by conveying Trump's rhetoric in Spanish to millions of Latinos in the United States.

“Here you have a potential national vice presidential candidate for the Republican Party, literally doing what no other candidate on this stage is doing,” said Julio Ricardo Varela, founder of The Latino newsletter.

“He just gave an interview in Spanish. He could be a Latino vice presidential candidate. He checks a lot of boxes for the Trump campaign and could be a buffer against Trump's extremism.”

Asked about the possibilities of becoming Trump's vice presidential candidate during the interview, Rubio said he had not had any conversations with the Trump campaign about it, but said “it's a honored to be considered” and “an excellent opportunity to continue serving.” “

Their relationship was not always warm. In 2016, when Trump and Rubio were both Republican presidential candidates, Trump referred to Rubio as “Little Marco,” while Rubio mocked Trump about the size of his hands: “You know what we says men with small hands? trust them,” he said of Trump. The two also had contentious exchanges on the debate stage.

Asked about their relationship, Rubio said: “It's like asking a boxer why he hit his opponent. We were competing.” He added that he worked well with Trump during his administration.

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