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Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns from Italy after attending G7 summit | Latest news India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns from Italy after attending G7 summit |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday concluded his first foreign trip in his third term by returning to the national capital from Italy after attending the G7 summit.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the G7 summit on Friday.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the G7 summit on Friday.

Just days after being sworn in as India's prime minister, Modi spoke to several world leaders in Italy, including British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and French President Emmanuel Macron. The highlight of his diplomatic engagements in this European country, however, was his meeting with US President Joe Biden.

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“I had a very productive day at the G7 Summit in Puglia. I interacted with world leaders and discussed various topics. Together we aim to create effective solutions that will benefit the global community and create a better world for future generations. I thank the people and government of Italy for their warm hospitality,” PM Modi wrote on X on Saturday morning.

Amid tensions between India and Canada following the killing of Khalistan separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar last year, Prime Minister Modi briefly met Justin Trudeau.

Also read: Political space given to anti-India forces in Canada is the main problem: top Indian diplomat

Modi also had a separate interaction with Joe Biden. The Modi-Biden conversation came nearly seven months after allegations from Washington that India had a link to a foiled plot to assassinate Sikh separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.

After his meeting with Biden, Prime Minister Modi wrote on X that India and the United States would continue to work together to promote global good.

He also acknowledged his meeting with Trudeau. “Met Canadian Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau at the G7 Summit,” he wrote on the social media site.

In September last year, Indo-Canadian relations came under strain after Trudeau alleged the “potential” involvement of Indian agents in Nijjar's killing in British Columbia.

New Delhi rejected Trudeau's accusations, calling them “absurd” and motivated.

India has accused Canada of encouraging pro-Khalistan and criminal elements for political purposes.

Foreign Minister Vinay Kwatra said Wednesday that the main issue between India and Canada remains the political space Ottawa gives to anti-India elements.

Trudeau's office said Friday that the two leaders had an interaction on the sidelines of the summit. The first congratulated Prime Minister Modi on his re-election and the leaders had a brief discussion on bilateral relations, said a spokesperson, Ann-Clara Vaillancourt, quoted by the Bloomberg news agency.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Modi addressed the event, highlighting the importance of ending technology monopoly, with a special focus on artificial intelligence.

On the sidelines of the event, the Prime Minister also met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Prime Minister Modi's invitation to the G7 summit indicates India's growing importance in Western plans to counter China's rapid growth.

Besides India, the hosts had invited leaders of 11 developing countries, including those in the Indo-Pacific region.

With the contribution of agencies




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