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Chris Dey: I am focusing heavily on local issues as candidate for Enfield North

Chris Dey: I am focusing heavily on local issues as candidate for Enfield North


Cllr Chris Dey is the Conservative candidate for Enfield North in the general election and councilor for Grange Park ward on Enfield Council.

My journey began in March 2018 when I submitted my first application to become a potential candidate for Parliament. Things have progressed well, in particular my referees have been contacted to provide their references. I was invited to a parliamentary review committee in autumn 2019 and just before I attended, the then Prime Minister Boris Johnson called a general election.

During the 2019 General Election campaign, as Political Vice President of the Enfield Southgate Conservative Association, I co-led the campaign to get our former MP, David Burrowes, re-elected. My good friend, colleague and fellow Deputy Speaker, Cllr Alex Georgiou AM, was the other part of the double act running this campaign with me.

After the election, I spoke with the application department and they informed me that the process was being redesigned and that I would need to reapply. Suddenly, we found ourselves in the grip of the Covid-19 pandemic that began in the spring of 2020. As things slowly returned to normal and once applications opened again, I quickly reapplied and followed the process to obtain approved candidate status. . In the spring of 2023, I was delighted to learn that I had made the list of approved candidates.

I am delighted to have been chosen to fight for the seat of Enfield North in the upcoming general election.

I was born and raised in Enfield North and I love fighting at home. My parents still live in the house I grew up in and are thrilled to be able to vote for me in this election. Enfield North is not a target seat so I have been allocated to the nearest marginal seat to assist you. I fully understand this strategy for London and I am working hard in Chingford and Woodford Green to get Sir Iain Duncan Smith re-elected.

The chairman of the Chingford and Woodford Green Association has asked each nominated candidate to adopt a parish and run at least three campaign sessions there per week. I chose Hale End & Highams Park South Ward and motivated the team and led prospecting sessions there speaking to the target audience. There was a very positive response at the door. Iain is a very popular and well-known member of the community. Many voters are happy with how he has represented them over the past thirty years and are committed to supporting him once again this time around.

I have really enjoyed this campaign so far, campaigning effectively in the southern wards of Hale End and Highams Park talking to voters. It is clear that many residents are proud of their region and want an MP who will defend them. It is inspiring to see the love and affection residents have for Sir Iain. Some people said I wasn't voting Conservative, I was voting for Iain.

In Enfield North, I am running my campaign with a strong focus on local issues. We have a Labor Council in Enfield and the MP was Labor until the dissolution of Parliament. The Labor Party is determined to destroy our beautiful green belt. They plan to build some 7,500 homes and ugly concrete towers on this historic green space.

On the doorstep, we ask residents their opinion on this subject and remind them of two things. Firstly, our previous MP did nothing to defend her constituents and save the green belt. Secondly, Sir Keir Starmer has promised to reform planning laws to make it easier to build on the green belt.

We also talk to residents about the Prime Minister's announcement to repeal Mayor Khan's horrible ULEZ project. This is a key issue in Enfield North, as in many outer London boroughs. So it’s important that residents understand that we can still stop ULEZ if they vote Conservative on July 4th.

Finally, my team of volunteers and I focus on my story as a local boy. I was born at Chase Farm Hospital, educated at St Andrews Primary School and Bishop Stopfords High School, all in the constituency. My parents still live in the heart of the constituency while I now live in Enfield Town.

My message to the people of Enfield North is that you can see what happens when Labor are in charge here in Enfield, so why trust them to run the country?




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