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BORIS JOHNSON: If Labor wins big, the Commons will be full of Corbynistas waving the Palestinian flag – and it won't just be the rich who will be drenched, it will be everyone. Voting Tory is the ONLY way to stop Starmergeddon

BORIS JOHNSON: If Labor wins big, the Commons will be full of Corbynistas waving the Palestinian flag – and it won't just be the rich who will be drenched, it will be everyone.  Voting Tory is the ONLY way to stop Starmergeddon


OK, let's pretend for a moment that these polls are correct, and that this election night really is going to be a total bloodbath for the Tories, and that Keir Starmer gets a bigger majority than Tony Blair did in 1997.

Suppose he gets a bigger majority than Margaret Thatcher did in 1983. Suppose he gets a bigger majority than any other in the last 100 years, the biggest since Stanley Baldwin was elected in 1924.

That in itself would be a nightmare and, in my opinion, the most undeserved electoral triumph in history from one of the least scrutinized opposition leaders.

And yet, I must warn you, friends: these figures may well be underestimated.

It's clear from the Labor manifesto launch (pictured yesterday) that they have absolutely no qualms about raising taxes further - even on the elderly and homeowners.

It's clear from the Labor manifesto launch (pictured yesterday) that they have absolutely no qualms about raising taxes further – even on the elderly and homeowners.

If it gets the expected 461 MPs at Westminster, Labor will conclude that it has a mandate for a decisive break with conservatism and a sharp shift to the left (an ironic triumph for former leader Jeremy Corbyn, here with Starmer in 2019 before their relationship).  sour)

If it gets the expected 461 MPs at Westminster, Labor will conclude that it has a mandate for a decisive break with conservatism and a sharp shift to the left (an ironic triumph for former leader Jeremy Corbyn, here with Starmer in 2019 before their relationship). sour)

Starmer with his Labor predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn

Starmer with his Labor predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn

I just visited the website of Electoral Calculus, a respected group of psephological analysts, who attempt to translate poll results into seats in Parliament. Its latest projections are that on July 4 the people of this country will send to Westminster such a wave of Palestinian flag-waving, finger-waving Corbynistas – who still make up the Labor base from which the candidates come – that the party in power will have to occupy both sides of the House of Commons.

Current predictions are that Labor will have 461 MPs, the Conservatives 80 and the overall majority for Keir Starmer will be 292. Yes, it won't just be a bigger majority than Blair or Thatcher. The next Labor majority, if these polls are correct, will be about as large as Blair and Thatcher's combined majority.

Imagine how you will feel this Friday, when dawn breaks over Starmergeddon and the blinking Labor leader tries to make sense of what happened. Oh, I'm sure there will be a fine display of modesty when he stands on the steps of Number 10. The new Prime Minister will show humility and claim that he is now the servant of the people, and so right now.

But beneath this veneer of restraint lies a seething and intoxicating delirium of power. As it tries to come to terms with its success, the new government will have a secret but glorious certainty about the intentions of the people. Labor will conclude, on the basis of this or any similar result, that it has a mandate to make a decisive break with conservatism and take a sharp turn to the left.

With 461 MPs, there will be nothing and no one to stop them from doing what they want.

We face an elective dictatorship, a super-majority of a type unknown in modern times, in which the sheer weight of Labor MPs will begin to distort policy and change the direction of the country in a way that most voters simply did not negotiate. For.

They will assume they have the right to go way beyond their current promises, and existing Labor promises are bad enough. We know from the campaign so far that Starmer would be well to the left of Blair. It is clear from the launch of the Labor manifesto that they have absolutely no qualms about raising taxes further.

They will hit businesses with investment taxes. They are going to impose a pension tax on the elderly. They will persecute property owners by raising property taxes.

After the miseries of Covid and the inevitable expansion in the size and role of the state, this is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing.

We should cut taxes and move towards the center-right, like most other European democracies. Starmer already wants to go left, left, left: punishing aspirations by increasing tuition fees in private schools by 20 percent; Incidentally, grotesque hypocrisy from a man who benefited from an education in a fee-paying school.

His left-wing ideology is so twisted that he announced during the TV debate that he would not even use private healthcare to help a loved one facing a long wait for NHS care. A terrible omen for the NHS, many of whose clinicians benefit from considerable cross-subsidies. the private work they also do.

As he made clear in his manifesto launch this week, he would happily begin to dismiss the benefits of Brexit, thereby beginning a process of alignment with EU law, so that we are gradually sucked into the single market and customs union, and yet without having our say. in Brussels.

Boris predicts: “On July 4, the people of this country will send such a wave of Palestinian flag-waving, finger-waving Corbynistas to Westminster that the ruling party will have to occupy both sides of the House of Commons.  »

Boris predicts: “On July 4, the people of this country will send such a wave of Palestinian flag-waving, finger-waving Corbynistas to Westminster that the ruling party will have to occupy both sides of the House of Commons. »

Starmer made clear this week that the whole painful settlement must now be renegotiated and that he intends to strike a new deal with the EU in which we would restore free movement of EU nationals to this country .

In other words, he is about to abandon Britain's hard-won right to control our own borders; just as he is blithely considering abandoning the Rwandan plan, the only credible idea to deter cross-Channel human trafficking gangs, at the very moment when other European countries are seizing it.

As the Labor manifesto makes clear, it wants to give in to all kinds of agitation. Starmer's insane refusal to distinguish between male and female will be expressed in law, so people will be allowed to change their sex more or less at will, like the parrot fish, with all the misery and errors that will result from this, especially among young people.

He will amend the Constitution, change the law to lower the voting age to 16 (when turnout is already pretty low, frankly), and probably extend the right to vote to prisoners, as has long been demanded the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. We know all this, because it is what Labor dares to say. Before the tsunami of the loon army of Labor MPs, 461 of them arrive at Westminster.

We know that Starmer already has a tendency to flip-flop under pressure from his backbenchers; we know that he sometimes looks like a seriously shaken bus driver. How will he behave with this lot on his back, waiting to dump on him like a dump truck full of bricks? He will be the prisoner of an army of leftists, most of them Corbynistas, who are constantly yelling at him to give in to his leftist instincts, and he will.

We must face reality. Whatever the polls say about the rise of the Reformers, there is only one way to stop a Starmer government, or reduce the size of the Starmer majority, and that is to vote Conservative.

Neither the liberals nor the reformists have the slightest chance of forming the opposition – neither in Parliament nor on the basis of the first-past-the-post system. In this system, general elections are a bit like taking a very long bath in the sense that the water flows gently from left to right and back again. But if these figures are correct, the wave will be so big that it will surge until the end of the year. the bath in a cataclysm.

If Starmer secures a majority on the scale currently predicted, it will not just be the rich who will be drenched, but the entire population.

I really don't think that's what people want, and they should vote against it. A Starmer majority would be bad enough; an abnormal majority would be dangerous.




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