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The G7 summit and the need for a fairer world | Opinions

The G7 summit and the need for a fairer world |  Opinions


We need a new international framework that prioritizes the rights of the oppressed over the interests of the powerful.

The current international system, established in the aftermath of World War II, is struggling to address the many challenges and problems facing the world today. Driven by the interests and desires of a specific set of states, it fuels conflict and hinders peace, stability and prosperity across the world.

Following the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, the world entered a tumultuous new era in which the international community found itself facing a new set of challenges to peace and stability. The modern era requires collaboration at regional and global levels, with greater involvement of global players in problem solving. However, the war between Ukraine and Russia, Israeli attacks on Palestine and many other conflicts highlight the ineffectiveness of international actors in solving regional problems and their lack of determination to find solutions.

The global influence of international organizations is declining. Indeed, these organizations failed to recognize the nature of the modern multipolar world that began to emerge at the turn of the century. It is important to recognize that the international system cannot be shaped solely by a few superpowers and their political and ideological concerns. It is impossible to imagine a global system in which the interests and profits of certain powers are prioritized over the exploitation of other countries and peoples.

International organizations and the countries that dominate them must recognize this reality and adapt their strategies accordingly. The global system established after World War II is on the verge of collapse, but it seems impossible to create a system that aligns with the modern era.

It is crucial that leading international organizations and initiatives quickly take responsibility for building a system that aligns with the demands of today's times.

As an international organization, the G7 is a group of countries that share common values ​​and principles and strive to promote freedom, democracy and human rights globally. Given recent international crises and conflicts, it is necessary to reconsider and discuss how the G7 has carried out its responsibilities and how its decisions have been received on international platforms.

The G7 does not have the power to make binding decisions. However, in the current landscape, where even the functions and operations of international organizations supposedly capable of making binding decisions are under scrutiny, the G7 cannot avoid these questions.

The theme of this year's summit, which will be attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoan of the Republic of Troy as a special guest, was set on the rules-based international system. Discussions at the three-day summit will focus on defending the rules-based international system, among other pressing issues of our time, from the Russo-Ukrainian war and the Middle East conflict to food security and migration.

The theme of the summit is entirely appropriate because today some states blatantly violate the rules, norms and standards on which the current international order is supposed to be built and which it protects.

Despite this theme, it is crucial to highlight the sad reality that
Some states in today's world are blatantly violating the norms that the international system has adopted and built on. Israel massacred tens of thousands of innocent people in Gaza in a matter of months, even bombing Rafah, the place it had previously designated as the only safe zone.

Israel's actions in Gaza and other cities constitute a blatant war crime. For months, President Recep Tayyip Erdoan has repeatedly stressed the need to put an end to Israel's irresponsible attacks. There is growing global acceptance of the idea that Israel is protected by the international system rather than prevented. It is undeniable that international actors, particularly the G7, have failed to oppose Israel's actions, which disregard all laws, principles and values. The international system failed to produce a binding call for a ceasefire for many months while Israel massacred thousands of women and children. It took repeated mass protests and a powerful youth uprising on college campuses for G7 leaders to make such a call. The global outcry and revolts against Israeli strikes are a stark reminder that those who support Israel will be remembered with deep shame.

These leaders announced their full support for the ceasefire plan proposed by US President Joe Biden on May 31. However, it is not certain that this call, as well as the support it received from the G7, will be able to dissuade Israel from continuing its efforts. war against Palestine. The G7 and other international actors are expected and required to do more.

It is essential to restructure this system and devise methods to establish a new framework that prioritizes the rights of the oppressed over the interests of the powerful.

The dysfunction and silence of international actors in the crises and conflicts that have taken place in recent years underline the importance and relevance of the declarations of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoans, “The world is bigger than five and a fairer world is possible “. He appreciates and strongly supports Trkiyes' efforts for world peace. The leading role played by Trkiye in efforts to achieve a ceasefire in the Russo-Ukrainian war and to resolve the grain crisis resulting from that conflict testifies to this determination.

Trkiye remains committed to promoting peace, stability and the resolution of regional and global crises in the face of the growing challenges of our time, from irregular migration and climate change to international terrorism and disrupted supply chains.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeera.




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