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Trump once challenged the NRA to ban bull stocks. He now says he has “done nothing” to restrict guns

Trump once challenged the NRA to ban bull stocks.  He now says he has “done nothing” to restrict guns


Less than six years ago, President Donald Trump lashed out at the influential gun lobby after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. He announced that he had told the National Rifle Association that bump stocks had disappeared, arguing that they were turning legal guns into illegal machine guns.

On Friday, Trump's campaign for his return to the White House defended a Supreme Court decision overturning its own ban on such devices. Trump was endorsed by the NRA and claimed in a speech this year that he had done nothing to restrict guns.

The Supreme Court's decision drew new attention to Trump's complicated record on the Second Amendment, which he has downplayed this year given his conservative bases' aversion to gun control, even as Americans largely support tighter gun restrictions, according to a public poll.

As president, Trump grappled with the Parkland, Fla., high school massacre and other mass shootings, and at times pledged to strengthen gun laws, only to backtrack. wishes.

During a meeting with survivors and family members of the 2018 Parkland shooting, for example, Trump promised to be very strict on background checks and later chastised a Republican senator for being afraid of the NRA. He said he would stand up to the gun lobby and finally get results in the fight against gun violence.

But he later withdrew after a meeting with the group, expressing support for modest changes to the federal background check system and arming teachers, while asserting in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that there wasn't much political support (to put it mildly). ).

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Today, he presents himself as the best friend gun owners ever had in the White House.

Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for his campaign, released a statement Friday saying the court's ruling should be respected.

President Trump has been and always will be a strong supporter of Americans' Second Amendment rights and is proud to be supported by the NRA, Leavitt said.

President Joe Biden called the Trump-era ban an important regulation on gun safety, while the incumbent Democratic Party's campaign criticized Trump for appointing three of the Supreme Court justices who voted for it repeal the ban.

Weapons of war have no place on America's streets, but Trump's Supreme Court justices have ruled that the gun lobby is more important than the safety of our children and communities, a said Michael Tyler, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration overstepped by banning bump stocks in 2018 after a mass shooting in Las Vegas that left hundreds injured and dozens dead. The devices allow a rate of fire comparable to that of machine guns.

The decision did not spark a wave of reaction from most Republican members of Congress. This reflects the precarious situation many in the Republican Party find themselves in, as the decision is seen as a victory for the pro-gun community despite overturning a Trump-era ban.

U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie is a Kentucky Republican who antagonized Trump and supported Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' failed bid for the White House. On Friday, he posted on X that Congress makes the laws, not administrative power, and later wrote that the highest court had struck down Trump's ban on bump stocks. Other Republican federal lawmakers simply called it an unconstitutional ban but did not mention Trump.

Friday's ruling could draw more attention in the key western battleground state of Nevada, where in 2017 a high-stakes gambler killed 60 people before killing himself, leaving his exact motive a mystery.

A Nevada state lawmaker, who was among the 22,000 spectators who fled the barrage of bullets in Las Vegas in October 2017, said no community felt the devastating impact of surrogate stocks more than Nevadans.

Now more than ever, it is important to elect Democrats up and down the ballot to ensure we protect our communities from the epidemic of gun violence and to prevent soulless, morally corrupt and bankrupt MAGA Republicans, beholden to the gun lobby, to be in charge of the public safety of our communities, said Rep. Sandra Jauregui, a Democrat. _____

Associated Press writers Jill Colvin, Farnoush Amiri and Scott Sonner contributed to this report.




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