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Imrans audio was not released by SC: CJP

Imrans audio was not released by SC: CJP


CJP Qazi Faez Isa announces the verdict on petitions against the Supreme Court (Practice and Procedure) Act, 2023, October 11, 2023, in this still from a video. State media

ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa on Friday said that the audio conversation between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Chairman Imran Khan and judges during the NAB amendments case had not been disclosed by the Supreme Court.

The CJP said he investigated the matter and was told by IT staff that some of the voices in the audio could not have come from the court.

Justice Athar Minallah, however, explained what was wrong if the audio was leaked, adding that the conversation took place in open court.

It is pertinent to mention here that a photo of former Prime Minister Imran Khan from Courtroom No. 1 during the first hearing of the NAB amendments case was leaked when the PTI founder appeared in court via video link from Adiala jail, which has gone viral widely on social media. media.

During the second hearing of the case, an audio conversation between Imran and the judges was also leaked and was also widely circulated on social media.

Meanwhile, Justice Isa swore in the newly elected Supreme Court Press Association (PAS) cabinet. The swearing-in ceremony took place here in the judges' block of the Supreme Court.

Justice Jamal Khan Mandokhail, Justice Athar Minallah, Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan and Attorney General Mansoor Usman Awan also attended the ceremony.

The new PAS cabinet includes Mian Aqeel Afzal, President, Ghulam Nabi Yousafzai, Vice President, Imran Waseem, General Secretary, Raja Basharat, Finance Secretary, and Ikramullah Joya, Asia Kausar and Mian Abid Nisar, members.

Later, the CJP and other judges had an informal conversation with PAS members in a cordial atmosphere.

The chief justice said that in the past he also wrote, adding that his mother Saeeda Qazi Isa also wrote articles.

He showed copies of an English daily that had published his articles. At the time, it was written after a lot of research, CJP said, but he added that it's easy these days, just pick up the phone and say what you have to say.

The Chief Justice said that court reporting is a very difficult job, adding that sometimes court reporters describe a context in their stories that they (the judges) have forgotten.

Justice Isa recalled that he first compiled the media laws and published them in book form.

The CJP said the Lahore High Court had written 627 paragraphs in the decision in the Zulfikar Ali Bhutto case, while the Supreme Court had written 963, adding that in criminal cases the decision may not be not as long.

He said that since the Zulfikar Ali Bhutto case has been decided, notice can now be given on the matter.

During the conversation, the chief justice shared a few sentences from a book called First You Write a Sentence.

Good writing requires a cold eye and an open heart, he read one sentence from the book in addition to quoting another sentence. Reading is also important for writing well.




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