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Former President Trump comes to Detroit for church roundtable and TPUSA downtown convention

Former President Trump comes to Detroit for church roundtable and TPUSA downtown convention


Former President Donald Trump heads to Detroit for Huntington Place convention

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee will look to grow his voting base in Detroit when he speaks at a local church, as well as at the Turning Point USA People's Convention in Huntington Place this weekend.

FOX 2 (WJBK) – Former President Donald Trump recently spoke about his connections with young and minority voters.

“You know, we're doing very well with young people. We're doing very well with African-Americans, with Hispanic-Americans through the roof,” he said in an interview.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee will look to grow his voting base in Detroit when he speaks at a local church, as well as at the Turning Point USA People's Convention in Huntington Place this weekend.

“Trump has been trying to increase his support in some key constituencies that have been important to the Democratic base for decades,” said Dave Dulio, a political science professor. “One of them is the African-American community.”

Near the Lodge and Wyoming Highway, two billboards illustrate the clash of views on Trump: one praising his arrival in Detroit, the other from the Democratic National Committee castigating him.

In a statement, the co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party said: “We are honored and very proud to welcome (former) President Trump to Michigan for his birthday weekend. We had an incredible event with our RNC co-chair, Lara Trump, Thursday evening in Macomb County that was so empowering for our base. »

Trump won Michigan in 2016, but lost Detroit and Wayne County. President Joe Biden won both in 2020, but votes for Trump jumped in Detroit and Wayne County.

So far this election season, polls show a close race in our state and nationally.

FOX 2: “So is there a possibility that he doesn't necessarily have to win Detroit or Wayne County, but if we get enough votes it could possibly help him win Michigan?”

“Absolutely,” Dulio said.

This weekend's visit comes less than a month after his opponent, Biden, addressed a crowd at the NAACP's Fight for Freedom Fund dinner.

NAACP Detroit President Rev. Wendell Anthony Questions Trump's Reasons for Speaking at Church

“Coming to Detroit to speak at a church when you don't go there, when you don't really know anything about the church, and you're going to use this as a platform to further your political agenda, is really a misinterpretation and misuse of a sacred institution,” he said. “For us, it’s a question of politics.”

This will be the former president's first trip to Detroit since his hush money conviction.




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