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Chinese Premier Li says Australia on track as he begins visit | News

Chinese Premier Li says Australia on track as he begins visit |  News


During his four-day visit, Li Qiang visits the capital Adelaide, Canberra and the mining state of Western Australia.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang said relations with Australia were restored as he began a four-day trip to the top trading partner.

His visit, which begins Saturday, is the first by a Chinese prime minister in seven years and is expected to pave the way for President Xi Jinping's first trip to Australia since 2014.

Australia is uniquely positioned to connect the West and the East and is an important force in economic globalization and global multipolarity, Li said at Adelaide Airport, according to a statement from the Chinese embassy.

Bilateral relations are back on track after a period of ups and downs, Li said.

He was welcomed on the tarmac at Adelaide Airport by Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong and South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas.

Australia is the largest supplier of iron ore to China, which has invested in Australian mining projects, although some recent Chinese investments in critical minerals have been blocked by Australia on grounds of national interest.

China imposed trade restrictions on a large number of Australian agricultural and mineral products in 2020 in a diplomatic dispute that has largely eased since Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's government took power in 2022 and adopted a softer diplomatic approach towards Beijing.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang visits Australia
People wave flags as they await Lis' arrival in Adelaide [Asanka Ratnayake/Pool via Reuters]

During his four-day visit, Li will also visit a Chinese-controlled lithium processing plant in the Kwinana Beach industrial zone in Western Australia state, as well as the Australian Parliament in the nation's capital, Canberra.

He is also expected to visit a pair of pandas on loan from China to Adelaide Zoo on Sunday. A lunch with wine exporters until recently excluded from the Chinese market will show trade relations have smoothed after the dispute that suspended A$20 billion ($13 billion) of Australian agricultural and mineral exports until Last year.

Mutual respect, seeking common ground while putting aside differences and mutually beneficial cooperation are essential to the development of China-Australia relations, Li said.

A more mature, stable and fruitful comprehensive strategic partnership will be a treasure shared by the people of the two countries, Li said.

Li arrived in Australia from New Zealand, becoming the most senior Chinese official to visit either country since 2017.

China is the main trading partner of Australia and New Zealand, who seek to balance their trade with regional security concerns in the face of Chinese ambitions in the Pacific islands.

In New Zealand, Li highlighted Chinese demand for the country's agricultural products. On Saturday he visited Fonterra, a major dairy exporter, after signing deals with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon on trade and climate change, with human rights and foreign interference also on the agenda. 'agenda.

Before leaving, Li told an audience in the city of Auckland that his country was committed to creating a first-class business environment and helping foreign companies expand in China, according to state media. Chinese state.

Li also said there was vast potential for collaboration between China and New Zealand in areas such as green development and that Beijing welcomed New Zealand companies, such as dairy company Fonterra, seizing such opportunities, Xinhua news agency reported.

After his trip to Australia ends on Tuesday, Li is expected to travel to Malaysia.




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