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Donald Trump plans campaign rally at Temple University's Liacouras Center

Donald Trump plans campaign rally at Temple University's Liacouras Center


Former President Donald Trump will visit Philadelphia next weekend.

The Republican presidential candidate will hold a campaign rally in North Philadelphia at the Liacouras Center on the campus of Temple University on June 22 at 7 p.m. Doors will open at 3 p.m.

Both Trump and President Joe Biden have focused their considerable campaign efforts on Pennsylvania, a crucial battleground state in each candidate's quest for victory in November.

Trump rarely visited Philadelphia during his 2020 presidential campaign, usually choosing to travel to more rural and white parts of the state for his campaign rallies.

READ MORE: Donald Trump energizes some young Philadelphia voters

While statewide polls show Biden's weaknesses in this area, the Trump camp believes he has a chance to break through with influential voters in Pennsylvania, even in a deeply Democratic city.

State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, whose district includes Temples' main campus and who has been a staunch Biden supporter since early 2020, wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that North Philly helped expel Donald Trump from the House Blanche and was willing to keep him away. .

Trump briefly stopped in Philadelphia in February to announce his new sneaker brand at Sneaker Con at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

Last month, Trump held a rally in Wildwood while he was still on trial in Manhattan for allegedly falsifying business records in connection with hush money payments, the first of Trump's criminal cases to go before a jury . Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts.

In announcing the upcoming visit to Philadelphia, Trump's campaign said in a statement Friday: Great Pennsylvanians are feeling the effects of Biden's failed policies where it hurts their wallets the most.

The statement added: Not only are Pennsylvanians hurting financially, but Bidens is pro-crime and open-minded. [sic] the police put families in danger.

The Biden campaign responded with a statement from Kellan White, senior adviser to the coordinated campaign for Pennsylvania Democrats: Donald Trump is a convicted felon and failed president who spent years running racist campaigns, implementing a racist agenda and hurting Pennsylvania's black communities every chance he got. obtained.

Earlier this month, the Trump campaign opened an office in the Holmesburg neighborhood of Northeast Philadelphia and held an event as part of the Black Americans for Trump initiative. Later that same day, two black congressmen who support Trump held a Congress, Brandy and Cigars event near Northern Liberties to collect the black male vote.

One of the congressmen, Byron Donalds (R., Fla.), was later criticized for comments at the event suggesting that black families were better off during the era of Jim Crow racial segregation.

With less than five months until the general election, Trump narrowly leads Biden in most polls in this critical state.




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