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Donald Trump's UFO Admission Raises Eyebrows

Donald Trump's UFO Admission Raises Eyebrows


In a recent interview, former President Donald Trump addressed the topic of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), confirming that he is often asked about this topic.

Trump, known for his unconventional approach and frank remarks, addressed the subject during an interview with Logan Paul for his Impaulsive podcast where he was asked about his knowledge of UFOs and the government's handling of related information.

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump, delivers remarks to the press at the National Republican Senatorial Committee building, June 13, 2024, in Washington, DC. Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump, delivers remarks to the press at the Republican National Senatorial. Committee Building on June 13, 2024, in Washington, DC Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

“I want to talk to you about aliens, UFOs, UAP [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena]. The revelation we saw recently in Congress is confusing and upsetting to many Americans,” Paul said on the podcast.

“I've met with pilots…they're not conspiratorial, they're not crazy, and they tell me stories that they saw things you wouldn't believe,” Trump said.

“Am I a believer? No, I can't say I am. But I've met people, serious people, who say there are some really strange things flying out there.”

Trump then addressed other “aliens,” prompting laughter from the podcast host.

“I know there are illegal aliens, but they're the ones crossing the border. We have a lot of them. It's them… when you say aliens, I say are they illegal aliens? They may be illegal but we don't want to test them, because if they can go four times faster, we won't test them.”

Paul is an influencer and wrestler, with over 20 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, who has publicly supported Trump. Asked if there was a chance that information about aliens was being withheld from him, Trump replied: “I guess so. You have the deep state. And you have the deep state… “

Trump later acknowledged the possibility of supernatural life forms, even though he said he did not believe in their existence:

“It's very possible that there is something. And why wouldn't there be? You look at the universe and you see all the different planets and you see… look, here we are, a relatively small. Why wouldn't there be something, someone?

Newsweek contacted Trump's office Friday for comment.

Trump's comments raised eyebrows on social media, particularly X, formerly Twitter.

@TATA_2020Z commented: “What a shock, he's not a believer. And coming from the horse's mouth, observations. Lots to process.”

User @steveskojek said: “So he thinks these fighter pilots or the people who informed him are lying or confused about what they are seeing?” No, I don't think that's it. Many people have this reaction. The testimonies they hear are credible and compelling, but they are so biased against this being true by default that you have to see something incontrovertible to accept it.

EwokHunter1 said: “Given the trouble he got into over classified information after leaving the White House, I guess he's being cautious while still saying something interesting.”

While @stephenlugo4 said: “Wow he sure spent some time talking about it.”

Former presidents, including Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, have also made comments about UFOs, further fueling public curiosity.

During his presidency, Trump signed a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill in December 2020, which included a directive requiring the Pentagon and intelligence agencies to provide a UFO report within 180 days. This culminated in the release of a much-anticipated report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in June 2021, which examined 144 incidents of UFO sightings by military personnel.

Uncommon knowledge

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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