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Trump fears AI deepfakes could spark nuclear war

Trump fears AI deepfakes could spark nuclear war


Former President Donald Trump shared his mixed feelings about artificial intelligence with YouTuber Logan Paul on Thursday, describing the technology as a superpower that writes beautifully while calling its capabilities alarming.

His comments on Paul's Impaulsive podcast offer a window into how the 78-year-old presidential candidate thinks about rapidly evolving technology, which worries 49 percent of Americans.

Fears of deepfakes increase risk of nuclear war

Trump said he saw a fake video of himself promoting a product so convincingly that it made him question whether it was real. He then expressed concern about the damage caused by deepfakes, describing a scenario in which a deepfake video of the President of the United States saying that we just sent thirteen nuclear missiles and that they will reach their targets in 12 minutes and 59 seconds. '' could lead a rival leader to preemptively launch a retaliatory strike. Trump said he asked Elon Musk if there would be any way for this hypothetical leader to discern the authenticity of the video; Musk reportedly said there was no way.

The idea of ​​disinformation increasing the risk of nuclear war is not entirely hypothetical. In September 1983, at the height of the Cold War, a Soviet early warning system mistakenly detected five incoming missiles. Soviet Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov chose to ignore the reports, thereby averting a nuclear catastrophe. Most recently, in December 2016, Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif issued a nuclear threat against Israel after being misled by fake news. Experts have warned that deepfakes could increase the threat of nuclear escalation in coming years.

Energy challenges and competition with China

Trump has emphasized what he sees as the importance of America being at the forefront of technological development. We need to gain an edge over China, he said, noting that AI systems are extremely energy-intensive. This energy is needed both to power the computer chips used to drive the systems and to keep them from overheating. He added that environmentalists' concerns about energy consumption could hold us back, causing America to lose ground to China.

To date, computer chips and human talent, rather than energy, have proven to be the most crucial factors for AI developers; However, in April, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressed concerns that energy could become a bottleneck in the future. For years, major technology companies have been investing in clean energy to offset their carbon footprint, even though China remains the world leader in renewable energy.

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Fear that environmentalists will cause the United States to lose to China is a recurring theme for Trump, who tweeted in 2012 that the concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese to make American manufacturing non-competitive. He then claimed that climate change was not a hoax in January 2020, although he continues to go back and forth on this point.

Bipartisan consensus on AI risk

In the interview with Paul, Trump called Biden the worst president in our country's history, emblematic of the polarized nature of American politics. Yet concern over the risks posed by AI appears to bridge the partisan divide.

In October last year, Biden issued an executive order aimed at addressing some of the dangers of AI, including deepfakes, and maintaining US dominance in AI. In May 2024, a bipartisan group of senators, led by Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), unveiled their AI roadmap that calls for implementing safeguards against these risks, while investing billions in technology.

Trump recounted meeting super geniuses in San Francisco who helped him make sense of AI. They gave me $12 million for the campaign, he said. You know, four years ago they probably wouldn't have done it.

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