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Cyril Ramaphosa elected South Africa's president for second term The Irish Times

Cyril Ramaphosa elected South Africa's president for second term The Irish Times


Cyril Ramaphosa has been re-elected as South Africa's president, hours after his African National Congress reached a power-sharing deal with pro-business opposition parties.

Ramaphosa won 283 of the votes cast by members of the National Assembly on Friday night, and Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema won 44. Parties including the Democratic Alliance and the Inkatha Freedom Party supported the candidacy of the outgoing president for a new five-year term and, in exchange, he will be assigned ministerial positions and key positions in the legislature.

This is a historic moment in the life of our country, which requires us to work and act together to consolidate our constitutional democracy and the rule of law, and build a South Africa for all its people, Ramaphosa said after his election in Cape Town. City. It is with this in mind that I declare that I accept the mission you entrust to me.

Support for the ANC fell dramatically in the 2024 national poll, with the party winning just over 40 percent of the vote, down from 57.5 percent five years earlier. That gave him 159 seats in the 400-member lower house, meaning he needed opposition support to secure Mr Ramaphosas's election.

South Africans do not directly elect their president. Instead, the political parties they elect to represent them in Parliament deploy MPs to the lower house. These MPs vote on which candidates they nominate for the government's top job when the new parliament opens.

After internal discussions following the publication of the election results, the ANC invited all parliamentary parties to join it in a national unity government, leading to two weeks of intense behind-the-scenes negotiations between the different political groups.

The uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party and the Economic Freedom Fighters, both led by former ANC leaders who fell out with Mr Ramaphosa, and some smaller parties have refused to associate with the ANC .

An alliance between the ANC and DA, the latter having won 21.81 percent of the vote on May 29, was by no means a foregone conclusion. They have significant ideological differences in policy areas, although both are centrist parties that view South Africa's constitution as the cornerstone of its democracy.

Despite this, the former political adversaries and several other parties managed to find enough common ground to form a broad alliance.

The alliance marks the dawn of a new era of national-level coalition politics for South Africans, as until last month the former liberation movement had won a parliamentary majority in every general election since the end of apartheid in 1994.

But DA leader John Steenhuisen said the latest national poll showed that South Africans no longer wanted one party to dominate our society and that the time had come for a new policy of collaboration.

We are committed to contributing in every way possible to save South Africa from the path of decline and ensure that this new chapter is the best yet for our nation, he said after signing the coalition agreement.

According to the DA, the deal will see him secure leadership roles in Mr Ramaphosas' cabinet, the National Assembly and the hung provincial governments of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, in exchange for his support.

Furthermore, the framework document details the executive decision-making process, a conflict-breaking mechanism and provides guidelines for policy-making and finalization of the national budget.




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