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Donald Trump talked about 'executing people,' former aide says

Donald Trump talked about 'executing people,' former aide says


Former President Donald Trump talked about “executing people” while in office, former White House aide Alyssa Farah Griffin recently said on a Mediaite podcast.

Griffin, the former White House director of strategic communications, joined Mediaite editor-in-chief Aidan McLaughlin this week on Mediaite's Press Club podcast, in which she warned of a second Trump term filled with “rage and retaliation” if the presumptive GOP presidential nominee wins. in November.

The former aide mentioned an interview between CNN's Kaitlan Collins and Trump's former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr from April. Griffin said Collins “asked about an anecdote I had shared about a meeting where he and I were both in the Oval Office where Trump bluntly said that a staffer who leaked a story should be executed.”

She added: “And Bill Barr kind of danced it and said, 'I don't remember that specific case,' but there were others where we talked about executing people. How do you rationalize that someone has good judgment to be the President of the United States?”

During the interview in question, Barr said: “I remember [Trump] I'm very angry about this,” referring to a staffer who allegedly broke a story that Trump went to a bunker during protests that erupted after the killing of George Floyd in May 2020. “Actually “I don't remember him saying 'execute,' but I wouldn't dispute that,” Barr added.

Barr said Trump would “get angry and say things like that,” but added, “I doubt he actually would have done it.”

Additionally, during that interview, Collins asked Barr if Trump would say things like that on other occasions.

“I think people took him too literally sometimes and he would sometimes say similar things to let off steam, but I wouldn't take it literally every time he did it. Ultimately , it would be 'It won't be executed and you could make sense of it,'” Barr added.

In response to Griffin's comments, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek via email Friday: “As President Trump has said, the best revenge is the success and prosperity of all Americans. ” He did not confirm any details about the rumored meeting between Trump, Barr and Griffin.

Griffin left the Trump administration in early December 2020, weeks after Trump lost the election to Joe Biden. At the time, Trump was contesting the election results, telling his supporters that Biden's victory was stolen by widespread voter fraud. There is no evidence to support such claims.

Following the January 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, during which Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying the election results, Griffin testified before the House Select Committee investigating events surrounding the insurrection and Trump's allegations. involvement in it. The former president faces four charges related to the riot. He has pleaded not guilty and denied inciting violence at the Capitol, saying the charges against him were politically motivated.

Griffin has since become a critic of Trump and currently serves as a Republican voice on The View as a co-host and CNN contributor.

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the press Thursday at the National Republican Senatorial Committee building in Washington, D.C. Inset, former Trump aide Alyssa Farah Griffin is seen May 14 in New… L Former President Donald Trump speaks to the press at the National Republican Senatorial Committee building Thursday in Washington, D.C. Inset, former Trump aide Alyssa Farah Griffin is seen May 14 in New York. Trump talked about “executing people” during his time in office, former White House aide Alyssa Farah Griffin recently said on a Mediaite podcast. More from Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images/Taylor Hill/WireImage Possible Imprisonment of Enemies

In a phone interview with Newsmax earlier this month, Trump raised the possibility of imprisoning his political opponents if he returned to the White House.

During the interview, Trump added to his recent false claims that he never called for the imprisonment of his 2016 election rival, Hillary Clinton.

“I said, 'Wouldn't that be really bad?…Wouldn't it be terrible to throw out the president's wife and the former secretary of state – think about it, the former secretary of State – but the president's wife in prison. ? Wouldn't that be a terrible thing? » Trump said.

“But they want to do it,” Trump added, apparently referring to his political opponents. “It’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us down, and it’s very possible that it could happen to them.”

Trump's comments come after he was convicted last month of 34 counts of falsifying business records related to money paid to adult film star Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential election Daniels alleges she had a sexual relationship with Trump in 2006, which he denies. The former president has maintained his innocence, saying the accusation against him was politically motivated. His legal team plans to appeal the verdict.

His sentencing is scheduled for July 11.

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