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On a selfie video with Giorgia Meloni, here's how Prime Minister Narendra Modi reacted | Latest news India

On a selfie video with Giorgia Meloni, here's how Prime Minister Narendra Modi reacted |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday reacted to his viral selfie video with his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni during the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy.

Long live Indian-Italian friendship! captioned the Prime Minister in response to the video shared by Meloni on his handle X. The two leaders are seen sharing a laugh in the video posted by Meloni on X and Instagram.

At the invitation of Italian Prime Minister Meloni, Prime Minister Modi visited Puglia to attend the G7 summit, his first foreign visit during his third term.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi poses for a selfie with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the sidelines of the G7 Outreach Summit in Puglia on Saturday.  (ANI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi poses for a selfie with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the sidelines of the G7 Outreach Summit in Puglia on Saturday. (ANI)

At the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister Modi visited the Puglia region of Italy to participate in the G7 Outreach Summit.

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During their bilateral meeting, Modi and Meloni called for early implementation of an agreement on migration and mobility.

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I had a very good meeting with PM @GiorgiaMeloni. She thanked her for inviting India to participate in the G7 Summit and for the wonderful arrangements made. We discussed ways to further strengthen India-Italy relations in areas such as trade, energy, defence, telecommunications and many more. Our nations will work together in futuristic areas such as biofuels, food processing and critical minerals, PM Modi had posted on X after the meeting.

The India-Italy Migration and Mobility Agreement, once implemented, would enable mobility of professionals, skilled and semi-skilled workers, students and researchers between the two partner countries. Discussions about this mobility agreement have been going on for some time now.

Last December, the Union Cabinet had approved ex post facto the proposal of the Ministry of External Affairs to sign and ratify the agreement on migration and mobility between the two countries.

According to the agreement, Indian students wishing to gain initial professional experience after completing academic or professional training in Italy may be granted a temporary stay in Italy for a maximum period of 12 months.

Prime Minister Modi also had a brief meeting with US President Joe Biden during the G7 summit. The Prime Minister said the two countries would continue to work together for the betterment of the world.

Modi also had a brief interaction with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau amid tensions between India and Canada. Relations between the two countries are strained after Trudeau said there were credible allegations of a potential link between Indian agents and the killing of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey, B.C. last year.

(With contributions from the agency)




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