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Maryland Democrats announce Donald Trump's support for Larry Hogan on Baltimore billboards – Baltimore Sun

Maryland Democrats announce Donald Trump's support for Larry Hogan on Baltimore billboards – Baltimore Sun


The Maryland Democratic Party launched two billboards in Baltimore to highlight former President Donald Trump's new support for Republican Larry Hogan — the latest sign, just over 24 hours after Trump's statement, that Democrats believe the former president is a liability to Hogan's U.S. chances in Maryland. Senate race.

Trump told Fox News in an interview Thursday that he “would like to see [Hogan] win” and that he has “a good chance” against Democratic candidate Angela Alsobrooks.

Hogan's campaign quickly tried to distance his candidacy from Trump — the presumptive Republican nominee who is largely unpopular in Maryland — by saying Hogan would not support Trump this year.

Still, Democrats jumped at the chance to link the two longtime rivals whose races this year are now linked.

“TRUMP ENDORSED HOGAN,” the party’s digital billboards read in capital letters alongside smiling images of the two men.

They also state that “Hogan would hand control of the Senate to MAGA Republicans,” and direct viewers to a new website criticizing the former governor.

These billboards were scheduled to appear starting Friday evening at two high-traffic locations in the Baltimore area: at the intersection of Interstate 895 and East Lombard Street, and on Interstate 95 at the Fort Toll McHenry.

The website, meanwhile, features video of the Fox News interview in which Trump said he would support Hogan, as well as other coverage of that news. It also highlights Hogan's record on abortion, guns and LGBTQ rights.

“The Democratic Party is committed to ensuring that all Marylanders know that Donald Trump supported Larry Hogan because he wants a Senate majority that is accountable to him,” said Maryland Democratic Party Chairman, Ken Ulman, in a press release. “We know what is at stake in this election and we cannot let Trump and his endorsed candidates take power in Washington to push their extreme agenda, including a nationwide ban on abortion. »

Hogan campaign spokesman Blake Kernen called the billboards and website “typical political scare tactics designed to mislead voters.”

“Governor Hogan has stood against President Trump from the beginning and he has the scars to prove it,” Kernen said in a statement Friday.

A party spokesperson declined to say how much the organization was initially spending on billboards or the website. Both parties are expected to devote significant financial resources to the Hogan-Alsobrooks showdown, which is considered the most competitive U.S. Senate race in Maryland in decades due to Hogan's rare success as a two-time Republican governor who left office with widespread support.




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