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Biden tackles age issue, wishes Trump a happy 78th birthday | Joe Biden

Biden tackles age issue, wishes Trump a happy 78th birthday |  Joe Biden


Taking a cue from Donald Trump's playbook, Joe Biden offered his rival a tongue-in-cheek birthday message on X Friday, saying: Happy 78th birthday, Donald. Take it from one old man to another: age is just a number.

The president then paired his thoughts with a caustic video sarcastically touting 78 of Trump's historic accomplishments before a spokesperson for Biden's re-election campaign added: On behalf of America, our first gift to your 79th : ensure that you are never president again.

Biden's message comes as his campaign tries to inject some wit and bon mots into his output, criticizing his presidential predecessor beyond basic warnings about democracy to other topics such as his hairstyle. Trump, his hawking of Bibles and his energy level during his trial in New York. , where he frequently turned a blind eye before being convicted of falsifying business records related to secret payments made to adult film actor Stormy Daniels.

Trump's conviction came less than two weeks before Biden's son, Hunter, was convicted of charges related to purchasing a handgun while he was a crack user.

Bringing the issue of age to the campaign table is a strategy that carries risks for both candidates. For Democrats, the desire to adopt it marks a change in direction.

For months, the Biden campaign downplayed questions about Biden's mental acuity. But he is now confronting the problem head on after polls showed that 86% of Americans believe the 81-year-old president is too old for a second term, compared with 59% for Trump, less than four years his junior.

But after Biden appeared to wander off several times during his visits to Europe last week and was put back in place by the first lady, Jill Biden, or other world leaders, the age issue resurfaced .

There was also a recent hard-hitting 3,000-word article in the Wall Street Journal quoting numerous lawmakers who said they saw Biden slip up and have good times and bad. The Journal said the White House kept tabs on Democrats who participated in the story and encouraged them to call back to highlight Biden's strengths.

At a campaign event in Wisconsin hosted by older supporters of Biden and his vice president, Kamala Harris, the first lady made the argument that her husband's age is an asset.

This election is definitely not about age, Jill Biden said. Joe and this other guy are basically the same age. Make no mistake, Joe is not one of the most effective presidents of our lifetimes despite his age, but because of him.

Meanwhile, for the former president, turning 78 on Friday meant a CNBC report citing CEOs from various companies who had met with Trump and found him remarkably meandering. CEOs Found Trump Can't Keep a Clear Thinking [and] was everywhere, including one who added that the former president didn't know what he was talking about when it came to explaining how he would implement one of his policy proposals, states the report.

Separately, Trump spent Friday addressing members of the Club 47 fan club at a convention center in West Palm Beach and attacking his rival. Our country is being destroyed by incompetent people, Trump said, calling on all presidents to take aptitude tests.

This came a day after congressional Republicans sang their own rendition of Happy Birthday and treated Trump to cake and gifts during his first visit to the Capitol since his supporters attacked the Capitol building on the 6th. January 2021, weeks after Biden defeated him in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump himself didn't seem very excited about the prospect of an anniversary approaching a milestone. He told supporters at a rally in Las Vegas last week: There's a certain point at which you don't want to hear happy birthday. You just want to pretend the day doesn't exist.

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Despite quarrels over age, the two candidates agreed on the rules for their first televised debate scheduled for June 27.

Host network CNN has released details it hopes will keep the candidates in a debate format after both candidates refused to share the stage with their rivals during the primary season.

According to CNN, Biden and Trump have agreed to a 90-minute debate with commercial breaks, during which they will not be allowed to consult with campaign staff.

They will appear on a uniform podium with left and right positions determined by a random drawing. Microphones will be muted except when it is time for everyone to speak, and everyone will receive a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

There will also be no studio audience, meaning the first of two crucial showdowns will be moderated by CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who CNN says will use every tool at their disposal to enforce the timing and ensure civilized discussion.

Biden's campaign on Saturday touted the $28 million raise ahead of a fundraising party in Los Angeles featuring former President Barack Obama, talk show host Jimmy Kimmel and actors George Clooney as well as Julia Roberts.

Meanwhile, Trump was campaigning Saturday in Michigan, seeking to rally support from people ranging from church-going black voters to a conservative group popular with white supremacists: Turning Point Action.




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