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Bannon vows Trump opponents will be prosecuted in second term

Bannon vows Trump opponents will be prosecuted in second term



Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of Donald Trump, vowed to investigate and prosecute those who investigated the former president and his political allies, telling a conservative rally Saturday that Inauguration Day in 2025 would be the day of responsibility.

Citing Trump's recent conviction in New York, Bannon told the crowd at the Turning Point Actions The Peoples Convention in Detroit, hours before Trump's planned speech, that the former president's allies were going to receive all receipts .

You will be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated, he said. This has nothing to do with retaliation. This has nothing to do with revenge. Because the punishment and revenge could be of another order of magnitude. It has to do with justice.

Bannon was referring to Trump's recent comments promising to punish his supporters and saying that sometimes revenge can be justified.

Trump has repeatedly bypassed opportunities provided by friendly interviewers, including multiple conversations with Fox News host and friend Sean Hannity, to tone down his rhetoric and move away from threats of retaliation against his political opponents and his lawsuits.

Look, when this election is over, based on what they did, I would have every right to sue them, and it would be easy because it's Joe Biden, the former president told Hannity more early this month.

Some Trump allies, including another veteran of his 2016 campaign and the White House, former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, downplayed the former president's comments. Earlier this month, Conway noted that Trump's Justice Department had not attempted to prosecute Hillary Clinton despite chants of “Lock her up!” during the 2016 campaign rallies.

But other allies reacted more forcefully to Trump's conviction at his secret trial in New York. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, demanded that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Matthew Colangelo, an attorney in the DA's office, testify about the unprecedented political prosecution of the President Trump. In response to the verdict, several Republican senators, including vice presidential candidates Marco Rubio of Florida and JD Vance of Ohio, signed a letter meaning they would not work with the Biden administration to pass legislation, confirm its judicial nominees or increase non-security spending.

Bannon's incendiary speech comes two weeks before his incarceration. He was found guilty of contempt of Congress in 2022 after failing to provide documents and testimony to the House Select Committee that investigated the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. He was sentenced to four months of prison and a federal judge ordered him earlier this month to report to prison by July 1.

Once a senior adviser to the 2016 Trump campaign and a senior White House aide, the bombastic Bannon is now a right-wing podcaster followed by loyal Trump supporters.

He's no longer the Trump insider he once was, but Bannon played a significant role in conservatives' ousting of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy from the House of Representatives, and he took credit for credit for the impeachment of former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. His podcast War Room has also been a voice for false claims of election fraud and a rewriting of the history of the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

Rallying the room around the former president's recent sentencing in New York, Bannon claimed, without elaborating, that Trump was eligible for 700 years in prison and that they wanted him to serve the full sentence.

Trump's sentencing in the New York case, so far his only criminal conviction in the four cases he faces, is set for July 11. The judge can sentence the former president to probation or up to four years in state prison on each count, with time served. maximum 20 years.

Bannon pointed to Trump allies such as Roger Stone and Rudy Giuliani who were sued and claimed they were turning people into political prisoners and sending people to prison, and that they would also send every one of you to this hearing in prison.

Bannon told the crowd that they were at the forefront of this revolution, adding that we are not ready to be ruled by criminals and promising to purge the Justice Department and dismantle the FBI.

November 5 is Judgment Day. January 20, 2025, will be Accountability Day, Bannon said.




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