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Trump depicts rampant crime in speech at Detroit black church

Trump depicts rampant crime in speech at Detroit black church


DETROIT Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump on Saturday reiterated his characterization of black communities as dangerous and depressed, courting voters in a city he called hell and utterly corrupt as his campaign hopes for incremental gains with black voters could be decisive in swing states.

Look, crime is more rampant here and in African-American communities, Trump said at 180 Church in Detroit. More and more people see me and say, “Sir, we want protection. We want the police to protect us. We don't want to be robbed, assaulted, beaten or killed because we want to cross the street to buy a loaf of bread.

The audience, which was not predominantly black, applauded the remark. He returned to the topic of crime when asked how he plans to approach black entrepreneurship. The most important thing we can do is stop crime, he said.

Black voters have overwhelmingly favored Democrats since the civil rights movement. But recent polls show Trump has made gains with black men, alarming some Democrats because even a small change in black turnout or preferences could swing key states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

Many black Americans have taken offense to Trump's periodic overtures toward their community, accusing them of playing into racial stereotypes, such as his suggestion that black voters would view his candidacy more favorably now that he has a photo ID and is subject to criminal prosecution.

All I tell African Americans is don't confuse them and don't use them, said Keith Williams, chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party's Black Caucus. It's offensive to me [that he would] show up even in a sacred place like a church.

Trump has made similar appeals to black voters since his 2016 campaign, telling them at a rally that year in Dimondale, Michigan: “What do you have to lose? On Saturday, he repeated his frequent boast that during his tenure in the White House he had done more for black Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln, a claim that historians have disputed but which has been welcomed by critics. applause in the sanctuary.

Trump cited the Opportunity Zone program that was part of his 2017 tax cut bill as benefiting Black Americans, citing Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who worked on the legislation but not his co-sponsor, Senator Cory. Booker (DN.J.). The program was designed to encourage investment in poor communities, although some analyzes have shown that most of the benefits have gone to the rich.

The former president also took credit for Congress' funding of historically black colleges and universities and said the institutions' leaders would all vote for him. Audience members stood and applauded as one of the panelists, small business owner Mario Williams, spoke about his experience with incarceration and thanked Trump for signing the Cost Reduction Act. the punishment known as the First Step Act.

Elsewhere in the speech, Trump adapted his dominant campaign theme of limiting immigration by saying black people were hardest hit. They take your jobs, he said.

The Biden campaign accused Trump of complacency and empty promises, highlighting his history of humiliating black communities.

Donald Trump has the nerve to waltz into our city and act like he wants to understand the struggles black people in Detroit face, but the reality is he doesn't care, said Pastor James Perkins of the Greater Christ Baptist Church of Detroit in a statement. Every time Trump opens his mouth to talk to black people, he demonizes us, insults us, and makes empty promises he will never keep.

Lorenzo Sewell, the pastor of 180 Church, defended his decision to welcome Trump, adding that he thought the campaign's initial call was a prank. I heard people say things like, 'I can't believe you would bring the devil here,'” Sewell said in an interview before the event, recounting a conversation with a woman at a nearby methadone clinic. He told her, “Church should be a place where everyone is welcome.

During the roundtable, Sewell thanked Trump for coming to the neighborhood, something he said President Biden and former President Barack Obama never did. Sewell, who won a lengthy legal battle for control of the Church that included being handcuffed during a confrontation with police, ended with a prayer praising Trump for raising more than $50 million for his campaign after his conviction for 34 crimes.

The Saturday program also featured former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, who served as housing secretary under Trump, and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Florida), both possible running mates, as well as Rep. John James (Republican of Florida). .) and Michigan congressional candidate Martell Bivings.

When 95 percent of us vote for one party, that means neither party has to work to get our votes, James said of the black community. The Democratic Party has neglected our votes. The Republicans didn't even try. But that's changing right now.

The audience was more diverse than a typical Trump campaign event, but it was not predominantly black. No one in line identified themselves to a reporter as a member of Sewells' church.

In his speeches since 2020, Trump has repeatedly pointed the finger at Detroit, as well as other cities with large Black populations, making false claims of election fraud and describing undesirable places to live.

Everyone gets upset when I say it. They say, “Oh, is that a racist statement?” It's not racist, Trump said in June 2020, citing cities like Oakland, Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit. These cities are like living in hell.

He explained at a rally in Michigan in April 2022: “You look at what's happening in Detroit and other parts of your state, it's a shame.

At a February gala with black conservatives, Trump said black voters liked him more now because he had criminal charges and a photo ID. During his trial in New York last month, he held a rally in the South Bronx with rappers accused in a criminal gang case.

I have so many black friends that if I were racist, they wouldn't be friends, Trump said in an interview this month with the news site Semafor. They wouldn't be with me for two minutes if they thought I was racist and I'm not racist!

Democrats noted that Trump was speaking after the religious gathering at a convention of the right-wing group Turning Point Action at the same convention center where his supporters were loudly demanding a halt to the counting of mail-in ballots after the 2020 elections.

It is offensive for him and his Republican allies to come here when they have made Huntington Place the epicenter of their election-stealing effort, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II, a Democrat, said during a Biden campaign press conference on Friday.

During the Turning Point speech, Trump falsely accused Biden of using the term super predators to describe violent criminals as part of his effort to justify the 1994 crime bill, which he spearheaded. Many opponents of the bill criticized the term as dehumanizing. Although Trump's 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, used the term, there is no evidence that Biden did so.

Kimberly Outten, a 53-year-old nurse who attended the event at the church because she was passing by and noticed the flags and police cars, said her stomach dropped when she heard how much money Trump had raised, millions that she said could be better spent. on housing and social services. Outten said she moved back to Detroit after she could no longer afford her accommodation in Virginia, adding that she had been unhoused for two years.

I think he had a specific agenda and it was basically to get black people to vote for him, she said of Trump. When he was in power, I think he could have done a better job. It's almost as if we are forced to choose between bad and worse.




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