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Si Bonbon, a Brangus cow from Lampung purchased by President Joko Widodo for sacrifice

Si Bonbon, a Brangus cow from Lampung purchased by President Joko Widodo for sacrifice


That afternoon, several people came to the barn just to see the cow purchased by President Jokowi. Visitors took photos and videos of the cow. Even though no one approached her, the cow did not overreact. He just looked at him with his black eyes.

Bonbon is a cow owned by Sigit Riyanto (42), a farmer from Margo Mulyo Village, Jati Agung District, South Lampung Regency, Lampung. The 3.5-year-old cow weighs 920 kg, is over a meter tall and is approximately 2.5 meters long.

The Brangus cattle breed is a cross between Brahman and Angus cattle. Compared to other cattle, the Bonbon is considered large.

In addition to being longer and larger than other cows, Bonbon also has very sturdy legs, a broad chest and a full body. With such good posture, it is no surprise that Bonbon was the president's choice for sacrifice during Eid al-Adha.,-16p,-13p,0)/https%


According to him, a total of seven farmers in Lampung submitted their livestock for selection. Besides Sigit, farmers from Central Lampung, North Lampung, Way Kanan, Pringsewu and Metro City submitted their livestock. After undergoing a selection and a series of animal health examinations, Sigit cattle were finally chosen.

Sigit was then contacted by agents of the Secretariat of State to manage the purchase of cows. The money from the purchase of the cows, which amounted to almost Rp 100 million, was also transferred to Sigit's account.

“I am happy because this cow will be sacrificed and its meat will be given to the public. I hope it can bring blessings to everyone,” he said.

The cow is scheduled to be delivered to Masjid Al-Kautsar located in Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City, Monday (17/6/2024) at dawn. The cow is President Joko Widodo's sacrificial community service animal for Lampung province.

Previously, Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono in Jakarta said that President Joko Widodo had prepared 68 sacrificial cows for Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriah. Community assistance for the President's sacrificial animals will be provided to 38 provinces across Indonesia. Each province receives a cow.

Meanwhile, another 27 cows are also destined for traditional, religious and community leaders in the East Kalimantan provincial government, as well as neighboring mosques and Islamic boarding schools around IKN. In addition, cows will also be handed over to the Istiqlal Mosque, one cow to the Capital Authority (OIKN) and one cow to the place where President Jokowi will perform the Eid prayer.

Heru Budi said he coordinated with all governors and acting governors to distribute the President's sacrificial cows to be given to the public. The types of President Jokowi's sacrificial cows vary, ranging from Simmental, Pranakan Ongole, Brangus, Bali and Limousin cows weighing from 800 kilograms to 1 ton. ( 14, 2024)

Lampung Livestock and Animal Health Department head Lili Mawarti said the local government was helping to check the health of livestock for the sacrificial animal. She ensures that the cow is healthy and safe for consumption by the community.

Also read: The president hands over 68 cows to community assistance

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Sigit recounts how he has taken care of the cow since she was about a year and a half old. He bought the cow from his brother-in-law in Way Jepata subdistrict, East Lampung regency. He then raised the cow in an open barn. Sigit employed two of his neighbors, a married couple, to look after five cows, including Bonbon.

During her treatment, Bonbon was never sick. Even when mouth and hoof diseases and skin bumps attacked the cows in Lampung, the male cow remained healthy. In addition to nutritious feeds such as concentrates and fresh grass, Sigit also provides additional vitamins to its cows. Sigit's wife, who is a veterinarian, also helps check the health of her cows.

Sigit started a cattle breeding business in 2018. Initially, he bought three young cows which he raised for 1-2 years. After growing, the cows were sold to buyers. Today, he already has 15 cows raised in three separate enclosures.

He hired four of his neighbors to look after the cows. In addition to raising livestock, Sigit also works as a chicken coop manufacturer.

Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi handed over President Joko Widodo's sacrificial cow to the administrators of Itiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Thursday (30/7/2020).

Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi handed over President Joko Widodo's sacrificial cow to the administrators of Itiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Thursday (30/7/2020).

Sigit employs four of his neighbors to look after the cows. In addition to raising livestock, Sigit also works as a chicken coop manufacturer.

As Idul Adha approaches, some of the livestock have already been sold. He plans to increase the number of his cattle to 20 after the next Idul Adha.

Wakijan (41), Sigit's neighbor who helps take care of the cow, said that every day there are always neighbors who come to the barn just to see Bonbon. There are even people from outside the village who stop by the barn.

“They said they were curious to see the cow that President Jokowi bought,” Wakijan said, imitating the words of the people who saw Bonbon.

The cow turned out to be big and beautiful. “The cage is also clean,” Udin commented. He also took a photo with Si Bonbon.

With the presence of Si Bonbon, the village is now increasingly known as a center for quality and basic cattle breeding. Not only Sigit, but other farmers in the village also benefit from the increasing number of people buying livestock there.

Sigit provided an example of using the momentum of Eid al-Adha as an economic opportunity. His passion for raising cattle has been rewarded with many people buying his cows. Today he is becoming more famous because his cows are bought by President Joko Widodo.

Also read: Livestock shipments increase ahead of Eid Al-Adha




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