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Case against PTI MPs for pro-Imran rallies – Journal

Case against PTI MPs for pro-Imran rallies – Journal


MUZAFFARGARH: Layyah police have registered cases against Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) MP Malik Awais Jhakkar, MPs Osama Nazeer Gujjar, Sardar Shahabuddin Seharr and Shoaib Ameer Awan, along with 14 identified and 25 unidentified supporters , under various sections of the PPC. including 506B, 427, 341, 188, 186, 353, 382, ​​148, 149 and 16-MPO.

The cases were registered at Kot Sultan and Chowk Azam police stations following a PTI rally in support of the release of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

According to the Kot Sultan police FIR, the protesters led by these lawmakers allegedly blocked roads, attacked police officers and seized their equipment, including cash and helmets, while chanting slogans against the policies of the government.

Despite police efforts to intervene, demonstrators reportedly threatened them with batons. Two constables, Imran and Mukhtiar, were injured in the incident.

Chowk Azam police registered an FIR against 50 identified PTI protesters and dozens of unidentified others, who participated in a rally led by MPA Awan.

According to the police statement, the demonstrators were armed with weapons and batons and attacked a police team, seriously injuring them. The injured police officers were taken to hospital.

DPO Asadul Rehman said Section 144 was already in force in Layyah district, imposed by Deputy Commissioner Amira Baidar. He condemned the attacks on the police and promised firm action against the perpetrators, ensuring their swift arrest.

PTI supporters, however, said the rallies were peaceful and aimed at expressing solidarity with their leader Mr Khan. They said police used excessive force, including baton beatings and shelling, injuring several PTI supporters.

Meanwhile, in Muzaffargarh and Kot Addu districts, similar rallies in support of Imran Khan were reportedly peacefully controlled by police.

Former PTI MP Abdul Majeed Niazi, husband of MP Amber Majeed Niazi, has expressed concerns over potential police action against their party in the future, highlighting the injuries suffered by their workers.

He said despite the support for PTI, Layyah district had not received any major projects or budgetary allocation for 2024-25.

RESCUED: Muzaffargarh Sadar police rescued Qari Mushtaq, a prayer leader of the mosque, who was held captive for three months by kidnappers from Sindh Katcha areas demanding a ransom of Rs 5 million.

The kidnappers had chained Mushtaq and posted videos of his torture on social media. After receiving instructions from District Police Officer Syed Hasnain Haider, Station House Officer (SHO) Zawar Hussain Rind traced the location of the kidnappers to the Katcha area of ​​Sindh.

A police raid saved Mohammad Mushtaq from the gang.

Karamdad Qureshi SHO Abdul Rauf and his team, in collaboration with customs officials, also carried out an operation against non-customs goods. They intercepted a vehicle following a tip-off and recovered 696 units of khaskhas.

The goods were quickly handed over to customs authorities. This action reflects the authorities' commitment to safeguarding public safety and property.

Published in Dawn, June 16, 2024




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