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MVA netas projects unity, says Narendra Modi rallies will help them win state elections | Bombay News

MVA netas projects unity, says Narendra Modi rallies will help them win state elections |  Bombay News


MUMBAI: In a jibe at PM Modi, MVA The leaders on Saturday thanked him for the “massive” victory of the MVA candidates in the Lok Sabha elections, saying his road shows and public meetings would greatly help their alliance in the Lok Sabha elections. assembly polls. Of the 48 LS seats in the state, the MVA won 31 and Mahayuti 17, with the BJP securing only 9.
NCP (SP) president Sharad Pawar said that during the LS campaign, Modi attended 18 rallies in the state as well as a roadshow, but the BJP won only three seats in constituencies where the Prime Minister was campaigning.“We want Modi to undertake a similar campaign in the assembly elections, so that MVA gets a clear majority,” Pawar said.
Pawar, along with UBT Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray, along with Congress's Prithviraj Chavan and Balasaheb Thorat, held an interaction with the media on the political situation and their decision to contest the assembly elections under the banner of MVA. “We are here to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to the people of Maharashtra, who rose to the occasion to save democracy and put an end to the blatant abuses of central agencies. With their support, the MVA candidates achieved a victory massive,” they said. .
Thackeray launched a frontal attack on the Prime Minister, declaring last time LS Elections, Modi had assured that Rs 15 lakh would be deposited in the accounts of individuals. “That was Modi’s guarantee, but it now appears that it was a blatantly false promise,” he said.
On the question of who voted for the MVA candidates, Thackeray said it was not just Marathi manoos, but people from all walks of life, communities and castes, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, who all voted for the MVA for the protection of democracy. “People came out openly to vote for MVA candidates for protection of democracy and Constitution. BJP is yet to wake up to the ground reality, people have lost faith in it,” said Thackeray.
He said that when the UBT Sena joined hands with the Congress and the NCP, the BJP drew heavy criticism, but now it has joined hands with its chief rivals Chandrababu Naidu and Nitish Kumar only to ensure that Modi remains Prime Minister. “There is complete uncertainty over the stability of the government, the BJP has mobilized rival parties to ensure that Modi is firmly in the saddle. Earlier it was Modi's government, now it is the government of NDA. How long will this last?” he said.
On the future of the MVA, Thackeray said the assembly elections would be held under the banner of the MVA. “Not only UBT Sena, Congress and NCP, but all small parties, social organizations and like-minded individuals will come together to defeat the BJP,” he said.
Responding to a question, Thackeray said all those who supported him during the crisis would stay on, but there was no question of admitting “traitors” into the fold again.
Thackeray took a dig at the BJP over the construction of the Ram temple, saying it did not help the BJP as its candidate was defeated in Ayodhya.
Former CM Prithviraj Chavan said there was no such thing as an elder brother in MVA and all were equal regardless of the number of seats won by an MVA partner. “We will take a decision on seat allocation purely on the basis of elective merit and we want to complete the exercise as early as possible. We have already started a discussion on the seat sharing formula,” he said. declared.
Nana Patole, chief of the state unit of the Congress, was not present in the meeting. Meanwhile, while the MVA netas declared that they would jointly fight the Assembly elections, the Pune unit of the NCP (SP) held a meeting and claimed 6 of the 8 Assembly seats in the city of Pune. The meeting was called to re-examine the eight seats.




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