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Donald Trump's allies have already made “confessions” Legal analyst

Donald Trump's allies have already made “confessions” Legal analyst


Former President Donald Trump's allies have reportedly already made “confessions” about their actions through Jan. 6, 2021, legal analyst Glenn Kirschner said Friday.

On that fateful day, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden's 2020 election victory. The riot erupted over Trump's claims that the election had been stolen from him via widespread voter fraud. Although there was no evidence to support his claims, Trump's allies on Capitol Hill spread the same claims and his supporters believed them.

More than a thousand rioters have been charged in connection with the Capitol attack, and Trump currently faces four counts for his alleged actions during the riot. The former president has pleaded not guilty and says the federal charges against him are politically motivated.

In a show of unity between House Republicans and Trump, the former president visited the Capitol on Thursday. It was his first time there since January 6, 2021, when he gave a speech at the Ellipse near the White House and encouraged his supporters to “stop the steal.” Trump was not at the Capitol when his supporters stormed it.

Kirschner, a former assistant U.S. attorney and frequent critic of the former president, said in a YouTube video posted Friday for his show Justice Matters: “The people who are trying to kill our democracy from within, some of whom have just welcomed and applauded warmly to the insurrectionist-in-chief, Donald Trump, for his triumphant return to the scene of the crime, the U.S. Capitol.” Trump, meanwhile, said he did not incite an insurrection at the Capitol.

Kirschner continued: “Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Scott Perry, Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Andy Biggs, Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman – the infamous nine. Nine people who requested presidential pardon in connection with the insurrection. Why is someone asking for forgiveness because they knew they committed crimes around January 6 and wanted to get away with it.

None of the nine people Kirschner mentioned have been charged with crimes related to the riot.

Kirschner then discussed the various steps he would typically take as a prosecutor in hopes of extracting a confession from a suspect. However, he said, “As for the infamous nine, we already have the confession. »

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the press at the National Republican Senatorial Committee building June 13 in Washington, D.C. Trump's allies have previously made “confessions” regarding their actions that led to… The Former President Donald Trump speaks to the press at the National Republican Senatorial Committee building on June 13 in Washington, Trump's allies have already made “confessions” about their actions before and on January 6, 2021, the President said on Friday. legal analyst Glenn Kirschner. More from Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The former prosecutor then cited instructive language from the Supreme Court in a 1915 case, George Burdick v. the United States: “Pardons result in an imputation of guilt. guilt.”

Kirschner added: “So we have the confessions of the infamous nine. All we have to do is supplement the facts with an investigation into the crimes committed by the infamous nine that prompted them to seek a presidential pardon. “

Rep. Gaetz, a Florida Republican, told Newsweek by email Saturday, “Glenn Kirshner predicted I would be in jail now, so we don't exactly take his analysis as gospel.”

Newsweek reached out to Greene, Perry, Brooks, Biggs, Meadows, Giuliani and Eastman by email as well as Gohmert via social media direct message for comment. Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung was also contacted by email for comment.

Asked if any of Trump's allies would be charged for alleged actions surrounding the Jan. 6 riots, Kirschner told Newsweek via text message Saturday: “I suspect that some, ultimately, [will] be charged at the federal level, certainly those who are unindicted co-conspirators in the Trump trial in Washington. As for the others, it is anyone's guess, as the rule of law is not rigorously applied to what I call ruling class criminals. »

Several co-conspirators are named in Trump's federal indictment, but their identities have not been revealed.

Presidential pardons

During a hearing by the House select committee investigating the riot, former Trump administration officials revealed that several Republican politicians allegedly apologized to Trump following the 2020 election.

Then-Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who was one of two Republicans on the select committee, said at the hearing that five days after Jan. 6, Brooks, then a Republican congressman from Alabama , had sent an email to the White House to ask for forgiveness. for himself, Gaetz and “other unnamed people.”

Cassidy Hutchinson, who served as an aide to former chief of staff Mark Meadows, said she heard that Rep. Greene, a Georgia Republican, had asked the White House counsel's office for forgiveness.

Hutchinson said his former boss Meadows, Rep. Biggs, an Arizona Republican; Then-Rep. Gohmert, a Republican from Texas, and Rep. Perry, a Republican from Pennsylvania, also asked for clemency.

Meanwhile, Maria Ryan, a former Giuliani associate – a former New York mayor who served as Trump's personal lawyer following the 2020 election – reportedly requested a “blanket pardon” for Giuliani from Trump just after the 6 January, but that never happened. reached Trump, according to a 2022 book titled Giuliani: The Rise and Tragic Fall of America's Mayor, by Andrew Kirtzman.

Eastman, a conservative lawyer who played a key role in Trump's attempt to overturn the election results, allegedly asked Giuliani to put him on a presidential pardon list days after the riot, according to the select committee of bedroom.

Updated 6/15/24, 1:21 p.m. ET: This article has been updated with additional information.

Updated 6/15/24, 3:10 p.m. ET: This article has been updated with Kirschner's comment.

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